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You have to guess the name of who I'm talking about and for that I'll tell you a

Cuando vi por primera vez la foto de ella pensé...

(When I first saw the picture of her I thought ...)

(She may be was a princess)

(She may be was a teacher or painter)

(She must be a beutiful woman)

(She cant be more than 20)

Pero cuando comencé a investigar acerca de sus aportaciones

(But when I started researching about your contributions)

(I told myself that)

- Ella nació en el siglo 10

(She was born in 1815)

- Ella era una condesa

(She must be a countess)

- Es posible que haya tenido sarampión a los 12

(She could be had measles)

-Es posible que su profesora le haya presentado a Charles Babage

(It is possible that her teacher has introduced you to Charles Babage)

- She is the first programmer

- suggested the use of punched cards

I think it was a woman with a great creativity and intelligence that due to
his time could not protrude as much as if it had been men, therefore when
translated from French into English article of Luis Menabrea on the
machine analytical Charles Babage signed with your initials because of
My impression is that if she a it would have died at the age of 36 surely
would have created more things and even achieve finance the machine
analytical along Charles Babage.

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