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FACULTAD: Ingeniería



TEMA: palabras en un nuevo contexto

DOCENTE: Maria Guarniz Flores

ALUMNO: Mendoza Silva Nelver


1. Actor (aktor) actor

 that man is an actor

2. admirable (admirebl) admirable

 this church is admirable

3. álbum (álbum) álbum

 my albun is old

4. aroma (aroma) aroma

 That rose has a rich aroma

5. artificial (artifishal) artificial

 Tomorrow I will give my mom an artificial flower.

6. capital (capital) capital

 the capital is far

7. chocolate (chocalat) chocolate

 this chocolate is very hot

8. civil (sivl) civil

 that young man is a civil engineer

9. corredor (couridor) corredor

 Los corredores participaron en la maratón

10. crisis (craisis) crisis

 Peru is in crisis

11. doctor (doctor) doctor

 my uncle is a doctor
12. dólar (dolar) dólar

 the price of the dollar is low

13. fatal (feital) fatal

 that girl had a fatal accident

14. favor (feivor) favor

 can you do me a favor

15. película (película) película

 today I saw a good película

16. final (fainal) final

 the story had a happy final

17. funeral (fiuneral) funeral

 on wednesday I will go to the funeral

18. general (general) general

 the students in general

19. honor (oner) honor

 it was an honor to have sung

20. horrible (jorobl) horrible

 the transient is horrible

21. horror (jorror) horror

 What a horror that girl

22. hospital (jospital) hospital

 that hospital is modern

23. hotel (joutel) hotel

 this hotel is big

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