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+ | hitips:/ ryperbale/Shirnl 1. When the cir finally finished crying, she floated out of her bedroom, ‘Meaning: 2. An acom could grow into an oak in the amount of time it takes that woman. to get ready to go out. 3. The dog was nothing but fangs and claws. ‘Meaning: Dandy sometimes bumped his head on the moon. ‘Meaning: 5. The boy was already at the finish line before the sound from the starting pistol had faded. Meaning: Name Is It a Hyperbole? Ahyperbole is on extreme exoggeration. It relates something that is not actually possible as fit actualy happened. DIRECTIONS: Read each sentence. fit contains « hyperbole, write hyperbole on the line. IF does not contain a hyperbole, leave the line blank 1. This Book isso long that my great erandehildren will have to finish it for me. 2. November's the nicest month offal 3. The muffler was so loud they could hear that carin China. 4. Her clothes were so bright that | needed sunglasses just to look at her. 5.1ate the whole pizza by myself 6. The cow gave enough milk to feed every baby in the county every day. 7. He had so many keys he had to push them cround In a wheelbarrow. B.Sh ‘lways working on her computer. 9. Her hairs so long she needs @ hairbrush the size of a cor. 10, She was so cold that no one realy lke her. © Hyperbole (3 and 4) ‘Hyperbole is 2 fancy way of saying exaggeration. Example: It is raining cats and dogs. ‘This common saying is exaggerated —it is not really raining cats and dogs. it just means that the rain is hard and heavy. Exercise: [Read the pair of sentences. Underline the one that uses hyperbole. am very hungry, and I cannot wait for lunch. lam so hungry | could eat a horse! (My teacher gave us a thousand math problems to do tonight. ‘We have a lot of homework in math tonight. It is socold in this room that icicles are hanging off af my nase. It was cold enough in the classroom that we had to wear our jackets. My mom is going to kill me for ripping 2 hole in my jeans. My mom is going to be angry at me for tearing my clothes. @x al Invest Your

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