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Right Angles: Less or More?

A right angle is an angle of 90 degrees.

Look at the angles below. Write
“less” if an angle is less than a 90-
degree angle. Write “more” if an
angle is more than a 90-degree


 Tell students that today they will be learning about 3 different types of angles.
 Begin your presentation with a right angle. Ask students to name some items in the room with a right
angle. Example: the corner of a book, the corner on the window.
 Introduce the other angles by referring to and comparing them to the right angle.
 Tell students that an acute angle is smaller than a right angle, and that an obtuse angle is wider than a right
 Demonstrate how an acute angle would fit inside a right angle, and how an obtuse angle would be larger than a
right angle.
 Tell the students that they will be demonstrating the different angles that you just discussed by using their arms.
 Ask everyone to stand up and leave an arms distance between each other.
 Tell them their bodies will be the corner or vertex and their arms will represent the angle's rays.
 Demonstrate each angle with your arms and ask the children to name each of the angles.
 Tell the students that they will now make the angle with their arms when you say the angle’s name.
 Call out the different angles and observe students to check for understanding. Repeat several times until
students appear to consistently demonstrate the angles correctly.
 Do “Less or More” worksheet
 Play Angles Song by Numberrock (2 minutes)
 Draw each type of angle

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