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Sarah Shurm

1.What challenges, if any, do Arabic-speaking ELLs face?

- Data showed that the students face challenges to learn the English language, the culture, and curricular
content using their limited English. One student, Abdallah faced difficulties in decoding English words
with three or four phonemes and had poor spelling and writing. English is written from left to right, but
Arabic is written from right to left. This makes learning how to write in English difficult for Arabic-
speaking ELL’s.

2.What are Arabic-speaking ELLs’ needs?

- Extra practice with vowels because Arabic speaking ELL’s rely on context to determine vowels, which is
not the case in English. They also need to be given some texts in their first language to help them
understand their second language. They need texts that are culturally and linguistically related to them

3.What can facilitate the learning of Arabic-speaking ELL students in the classroom?

- Including Arabic-English texts can be useful in the classroom because teachers can use them to engage
their students with texts that are culturally and linguistically relevant. When teachers integrate science
with students linguistic and cultural background knowledge, science can be more accessible and
meaningful for students. Teachers should learn about Islamic and Arabic cultures and holidays and when
possible, avoid scheduling tests during Islamic holidays and enable students to go to the library at
lunchtime during Ramada. This will let the Arabic- speaking ELL students feel accepted and respected,
encouraging them to try hard in school.

4.What problems may their EL teachers face in supporting these students in the classroom?

- The lack of professional development focusing on the cultural and linguistic differences of Arab
students. Teachers feel that they need more training about their student’s cultures to be able to support
them in their language development. A lack of knowledge prevents teachers from being able to give
students authentic tasks to encourage them to participate in classroom activities. Another problem that
teachers face is the lack of communication with parents.

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