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1 heart of Res

1/2 liter chicha of jora

C. / no vinegar Red

3 tablespoons chili panca ground

2 tablespoons garlic milled

1 tablespoon soy sauce

C. / no oregano restregado (broken in the hands to rub) taste cumin, Salt, pepper sticks to
anticuchos or skewers accompaniment (Pope, cassava, corn, cheese, salad, chili barbecue)

grille, coal

preparation in a Bowl we chicha, the chili panca and garlic, add a small amount of vinegar, we add
Salt, pepper, cumin and oregano restregado, mix and we testing taste to determine whether we
need to add more vinegar or condiments. Trozar the heart in small steaks thin and leave macerate
in the mixture previous by a day at least. Close well the Bowl with a plastic film. The next day
strung two or three pieces in the sticks (will depend on the size of the court). ideally do so while
going lighting coal on the Grill. Book macerated and use a panca of corn to apply it, you only need
to give cuts with a knife or scissors as if it were a brush. Once we have about grilled, we put the
anticuchos and we bañándolos with macerated. Repeat to give you the back. Beware because
cooking is very fast and can be burn, fire coal should not be very strong. Accompany with potatoes
and yucas sancochadas. Corn sancochados with cheese, my favorite is the cheese pariah
arequipeño. And a fresh salad, this has celery, carrot, avocado, tomatoes and cucumber. A great
lunch to celebrate family together with a Red wine stale. Don't forget the chili barbecue!

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