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TBHT Separatise morement in eastern indonesia.

Prime minster govt

We have set down and wait for intermission people to come as our white savior
but it will not happen we’re still being discriminiated, we’re still guing to be
oppressed anyway, with them it’s time for us to send you nervous to them let go,
because we’re different and u will never be able to understand us anyway that’s why
we think it’s important u nature different and u will never ever become unity anyway.
that’s why we can have a violent revowtrion so real point of model in mind and with
opening goverment. Firstly we won’t attack on any kind of nation border that are see,
secondly we will also make sure that we keep reminding them on all human rights.
violation that they have commited to us being killing us in our villages even though
we’re only peaceful human being just like judges a japanese just like other chinese
just like that. We need to remind them that we’ll not back down and we think they
were questioned on whether or not they will unitas, that they will unit mister madam
chair because these eastren indonesian people most likely share the common
characteristic of being colonized by this name of Lanisha and therefore we think they
will be able to unite and the next step after best proceed is to be discussed whether or
not they will make news federal state on whether or not they want to make in the tinal
stage that’s another debate but the portion maybe whether or not it’s jusfified and
whether it will be effective for you to do violent rerolution who do you think it’s very
important. My first issue on how our current status fall will never work if you only
rely on yourself or on indonesian. My first issue on how it will not work, if you work
by yourself. The most ideal way for you to succeed is to have diplomacy and currren
ways of eastern indonesian. We have community,we have an organization called
MSG which is the Melanesian spearhead group basically this is like an ASEAN, but
melanesian road middle melanesian country I even Eugenia, I saw one another like
listen counteraction which have like different character stick with just different, I’ll
just our malai melayu we think like this is our very like good chance for us to get
diplomacy and economic ties but guess,what? because indonesia right not it’s already
being a registered and hammerstein as an observer papua or other eastern country can
not apply independently to MSG meaning that they won’t dealing like on indonesia
as their umbrella but not being able to pursue the economic side,to pursue diplomacy
ties because the free indonesia is oncy a member state because again indonesia Isn’t
fully melanesian yet, therfore the MSG is reluctant to give us the fall membership
course indonesia. what it’s tell you it tells you that cannot pursue own diplomacy, just
because you’re still in the same umbrella as indonesia to begin with therefore it’s
impossible for you to have a your public heaven of having our economical ties to
words them. that’s why in the case of first diplomacy it can not being, but secondly
what have we tried as history of east requlation people we have tried to do non
violent progress.because unlike popular opinions we are a civilized at what u might
want to believe in right. but what can you we get after we do non violent protests by
the our movement, we got arrested just because we have differat race.just because we
have different skin color.what does it tell to you and telling you all along the
excessive force not only new Nisha and injunction, for exaple our love the indonesia
is no fingers is repeated because simply we’re different from them and that’s why I’m
not always being talked like a button. I like a bad things inside of the red it sounds to
you that non.Violent purpose do not give us do not give us love back from
indonesia.that’s why we think if you realy on ourselves as eastern indonesia will not
get go anywhere but we have our second home which is in alicia but we tell you why,
that you will not get your indepence and your ideal the missus tuition if you only rely
on indonesia the reason is simple because indonesia never initial always fail to see
our inherent differences because we always thought about geographica that somehow
we are to see guess what people it’s not the same.we think inherent characteristic are
the one who feels Anisha to recognize that we are different that,maybe we can not eat
rice between other thing but they think just because very different that fears where
they’re scared of us and they think we are you know different and weird what this
ganesha has do him curren status day do to things. Firstly they tried to make a
millennium culture festival which means to appeal us to make sure that we know to
make sure and modify to the world that indonesia is actually doing good things to our
malanesian people but,the funny thing is that in millenilnium culture festival venetien
don’t even include east area nation people.instac they in fact are big in front and then
maybe or just alk nations another race other than melanesian yet even though they
will look characteristically the same a little bit with your not the same.But,the failure
in indonesia who both knowhledge the monastic have a culture and characteristic
shoes to you there indonesia do not see us a human being.But only as an economic
entity that you can use when you please but if yoy do it but you don’t feel to
understand what is us at the end of the day therefore within these inherent characters
if you feek to see is something that make us even impress inside of the status.
Because they always see that we are the same and we should be the same we are not
before that.”today every province has tried to govern himself be their own way if it’s
not effective but is shows you there is a way to go in”. First you have to learn to
prove what’s is so good about the governmentsin papua,when you’re still being
arrested instead of it and so to do in spite of it right we don’t think so that’s your
verdict again. But, second contribution white and physically violent or violent
revolution is justified to break up from the pollen ilysm that happensinside of
indonesia. We think this is colony listen mister madam chair when you extract our
free port other three port access and stuff to say that we need to protect ourselves with
this justified under two reasons. The first reason is because we think we need to get
our revenge towards initially we know this is a very harsh way but this is what we got
when we tomorrow and we cannot do either pain but the second reason why it’s
pretty simply. Okay, for you to be violent is because we think well revolution is a
normal face of beef of getting independence this is what also indonesia did making
the colonialism of the dutch. For example and we are unlocking that and you are
allowed to do that even you use both what we going to become one of your art do
that.Therefore if you now have like a violent revolution it is the same right that
athletes indonesia should come to us.Because that is what they are taking us back
from inside of the status.We think we need to do this and after very where is can our
unit even if this facilities do not suceed and we want in the war at least.We send a
message that we are not going to be shut down. Just because you told us to eat rice
we do not eat rice mister madam chair that is how different is an asset and that is
important for you to recognized that.

Leader Opposition
We agreed to unite as a various separist movement in eastren indonesias. But, with
this unifications what we also want independence, but what we want to push use is
not true violence Just like. When, opening governmenet walk one, but this
unifications could be utilized as a capitals to make a constructive engagement even
more with indonesia. So, what we’re going to do in opening opposition’s is that we
will still think in certain scope we are doing constructive engagement, but we are
going to unite. So, the following actions that we’re going to do is we’re going to
campaign. What is basically we want. we’re going also to at the same time educated
The society within this area, what is basically the benefit when you are gaining
independence from indonesia at the same time, we’re also going to create annotations
to call for referenda. Which at the end we think, when it’s already being
complemented with our educating the society, the result can be like a myself to show
to indonesia that it’s really within argument to dependence from indonesia. So we’re
not of going to also, we are also going to accept the idea that we have to be just being
used as an icon in indonesia we also independence but this unification. Should be
used the rice as a way to create a constructive engagement. So, firstly what I’m going
to tell my rebuttal, would be intgrated in my cases. Firstly, what I’m going to prove to
you this of their proposals will only cause us an internal and also external support.
Which we think prevent us further more to gain independence from indonesia. Firstly,
let’s about in the ground support quitting the way within the interest to set up from
separatist group to also make sure that there is always an internal support from the
society on the bronze. Which is the all populations who live within our area. Because
once we again independence. The’re the one who are going to be covered, by us so
we think it’s better if they are in favor with us, we want them to understand the
reason Why we want to gain independence. Firstly, a first car accreditations. There
are some of them who are some of them who are disgreed to heparin, because they
don’t feel like it of the art justification is enough the feel like there are still benefit in
joining wih in indonesia and we do feel bad for them, because if what they enjoy is
basically only a minimum standard of living and also a minimum standard of
protections. We think this type of people who are disagree with the idea of
independence would even more disagreee with us when we conduct the final
elections just like what they want, because finally they see it basically it’s more better
for me to stay up to stick with the idea to stay in Indonesia and foot no for trevor and
loop due to the fact that my possible government in the future inspire lens. Now
secondly, there are people who are already also in favor with us when we think it also
on what would make them turn back from us. Because finally what we do is just the
same from what they do not like so what do you not like is basically the operations
and also the use of violence again sustained troop, but what we do is basically
reflecting the same way we do not like to be treated with right so we thing at the end
in their site. We are only going to lose all the internal foot. Forward what is very
harmful with this losing soup internal support and this is the dissenting opinion from
our society were already being capatalized even more by the Indonesian government
to make sure to show that basically our movement is not justified at all and that’s not
creep like what society one and we’ve. Secondly, let’s talk obout the support from the
outside, let’s talk what they say il like MSG where we already being away of when
we already gained the same as an observer. Would hink it’s even better for us to push
use constructive engagement. Because, it can be used as apolitical capital for the
other, not only for MSG, but also for another actor, who are probably want to support
us because thay see that we are being consistent in saying that we want dependence
but not and in saying that we have violence and not perpetrating violence even more,
so at the end in our side what you will get, when we unify and using constructive
engagements is the internal but also external support because we have this political
capital. “constructive engagement to suffering issue topic, because your illusions still
need our resources they will not dare to give us referendum for the part of losing that
particle resources”.

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