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Kristin Karnas

Interviewee: Anonymous Teacher at Timberlin Creek Elementary School

1.How long have you been involved with ELL or teaching?

I have been teaching for 20 years and I have been certified ELL for 17 years.

2. What have been some of your experiences with ELL placement?

I have had good experiences, but the students don’t really get a lot of help. They mainly
get accomodations.

3. Do you feel ELLs are placed correctly?

I feel sometimes they are, but some students may speak another language in the home,
but are fluent in English. These students don’t really need the help.

4. Are you or were you involved directly or indirectly with ELL placement?
I would say I have always been indirectly involved. The students are always tested by
someone else, and someone else determines whether that are eligible or not. I work
with the students, but I don’t place them.

5. What are the current placement procedures that you are aware of?
When students register for school, the parents check a box that says whether there is
another language spoken in the home. The students are then tested and placed.

6.What do you think could be improved with placement?

I’m not sure how the placement process can be improved, but I do think that some
students need more help than others and students should get more support depending
on their needs.

7. How do you feel about the placement tests as far as being fair (biases etc)
I have never seen a placement test.

8. How can a student move up or down a level?

The students take a test after a certain amount of time to see how they are doing.

9. What would make this system better?

I think having an ELL teacher at all schools would be very beneficial. This teacher
would be able to give the support these students need.

10. How do you, or did you, or would stay educated about current placement
I work with the guidance counselor throughout the process.
11. What are some problems you have encountered placement?
I have not really encountered any problems with placement.

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