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Stone Lakes Fire

By Christopher Snell, Niya Lewis, and Kayko Lee

What will happen in a fire?
After the 1988 Yellowstone fire some plants/animals:

● Adapted to the fire and sometimes depend on it

○ Some plants depend on a forest canopy to be removed to grow
● Benefited from prey running away
○ Prey lost their cover
● The same thing will happen because the ecosystem of Stone
Lake is similar to Yellowstone
Invasive SPecies
● Many of the invasive species problems in forest ecosystems have
been attributed to management practices that reduce fire
● California’s shrublands, woodlands, grasslands, wetlands, and
forests occupy different elevation and moisture zones, creating
unique fire regimes that have benefitted particular invasive
Hazardous Fuel Reduction
● Hazardous fuel reduction requires cutting down surface and ladder
fuels. May require thinning out dense tree stands, saving mature
sized trees
● Can be done using fire/biological methods/mechanical treatments to
remove/modify fuels in forest areas
● Thinning/limbing/removing trees and underbrush are done using people
or machines. Cut material is ground into chips or burned during the
winter. Biological methods include grazing and aren’t usually used in
national parks
Fire in Ecosystem
Different types of fires can occur in an ecosystem. Three
general types of fire spreading would be ground fires,
surface fires, and crown fires. The fire that would most
likely occur in our ecosystem would be a surface fire.
Surface fires burn leaf litter, fallen branches, and other
fuels located at ground level.
Fire Regime: WHat will effect it?
Fire Regime-Pattern, frequency, and intensity of the bushfires and
wildfires that prevail in an area over long periods of time.

Some things that will affect the fire regime are:

● Drought- Due to a drought, waterfowl hunting season at Stone Lake

continued to reduce from November 16 through January 28,2017.
● Fires- In 2015, people were planting Marijuana at Stone Lake, which
caused a fire. This causes pollution, habitat destruction, and a big
safety concern for people who live nearby.
After the Fire
● An effect that can take place after the fire is diverse
● Some organisms can move to different areas to find green
grass/new hiding places/new hunting areas

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