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WAGNER AND SCHOPENHAUER A Closer Look Milton E. Brener Copyright © 2014 by Milton E. Brener. Library of Congress Control Number: 2014905770 ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-4931-8935-9 Softcover 978-1-4931-8934-2 eBook 978-1-4931-8936-6 All rights reserved, No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. This book was printed in the United States of America. Rev. date: 04/02/2014 To order additional copies of this book, contact: Mlibris LLC 1-888-795-4274 ane TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface.....sssssssssssessssetsssessaresssenssnecssseessecsssueessvecsnvesssetssneessaesssscesnensanees 11 1. The Formative years of Richard Wagner .......sesessssssssessseesssessseeeessee 17 2, Schopenhauer’s Philosophy .......scsssssseesesseereeeseesuseaeseesesseeseeenaee 27 3, Wagner's Introduction to Schopenhauer ........cseccssscsssssssieesseeesseees 35 4. Cosima’s Diaries ......scsssscsessseessesseesssssseeseessessneeseesseesssassenseeseseneeseess 45 5. Tristan and Isolde ......e.secssecssessesessssessseesnessecessessetsessessneaseeaneeseernes 52 6. The Mastersingers. 75 7. Summary of The Ring of the Nibelung vcssuesssssersviserssseccssiessennes 91 8. Analysis of the Ring and Its Contradictions .......s..sssscsserseseeeseee 122 9. The Ring of the Nibelung and the Subject of Free Will.........:0+.00++ 140 10. Schopemhauer’s Views on WOMEN.......ssescssesssseesssessstsecseseseeneeess 151 11. Parsifal 12. Women’s Liberation in the 19th Century: The Victors (Die Sieger) ..scssecsesssesssesseressesneeseessenesssenaeenseseees 174 13. Epilogue ....sccssesssssscssesssessessessessnecseessecsnscneessecsassareeseennecnnssnesarees 180 Bibliography... NOteS oesesecsssesssessescseseeseseeseseasseseneeeesessseseseeseseacsceseseseessseseeseseeneaesnenees 191 MTG eK 2tstoatecdecdasshesnectsahostonpeetsctustatodeasresechont eyeatsetestrssestentucduadeashaanes 197

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