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Women Market and Behavior

 Women now dominate consumer purchasing

 Women not only have money, they have veto power. It’s the most powerful one-two
punch in the consumer economy.
 The process of translating what we learn from mothers has become has become part of
our culture, but it’s something we have to work at everyday
 Life stage is more important than age
o Purchasing decision are typically based on the context of what happening in
people’s lives at any given moment, not necessarily their chronological age (with
the notable exception of biology related medical products).
o Life stage is a more accurate gauge of a person’s need and shopping patterns
than the date on a women’s birth certificate.
 Women may notice thing about your products, marketing campaigns, or sales
environment that they dislike, and these are the very things that can escape the
attention of management entirely or be viewed as too inconsequential to invest in
 If women consumers are important to your business, the path to increased revenue is to
listen to them long enough to hear what they have to say
 Women are the primary shopper for their household, which mean they’re buying not
only for themselves but also for everyone else-spouses, kids, friends, family, colleagues,
and often their older parents- which multiplies their buying power and influences.
 Business-to-business ads use the language of war to sell their services, finding thousand
ways to call competitors “enemy” without realizing that kind of language turns off
female executives.
 Women don’t enjoy technical aspect
 When women buy something, they usually just want the thing to do what it’s supposed
to do, right away
 Think twice before using “masculine” competitive message in your marketing
 Leverage the word-of-mouth power that women customer have on any business
o Women want to be considered indispensable, and that means being the source
of valuable information to the people they care about
o To ingratiate women to your Company, let them feel like insider when it comes
to news and information about your business. Women like to be in the know,
because they enjoy being the source of good information in their social and
business circles.
 Compliment are one of the most powerful ways that women connect with each others
 When it comes to buying product, especially big-ticket items, women look for help
rationalizing everything from haircut to a new car
 Empathy is an effective sales tool
 Validation and affirmation help women say yes
o Help women justify buying your product or services by actively validating their
decision through words and images
 Humanize your company by minimizing status differences and leveraging a sense of
 Demonstrating appreciation is one of the simplest ways to generate word-of-mouth
publicity and repeat business form women
 Women relish the detail of any story
 Men are interested in how thing work, and women are interested in what something
will do for them
 Leverage third-party endorsement and testimonial
o Women have higher verbal fluency than man. They focus on the details and will
talk about their love of a product or service to their friends
 Ask for feedback
 If you can make women life easier you are ahead of your competitors
 Marketing to MOM: How to be related to them
o Depict a women having fund with her kids
o Show her multitasking
o Make her laugh
 Emphasize positive without being overly negative about your competitor
Gender Difference Summary:


Inside Women's Mind Inside Men's Mind
Desire to be indispensable Desire to be independent
Desire to be connected Desire to be respected

Wish to minimize status differences Awareness of rank in the pack

Disclose feeling and vulnerabilities Hide vulnerabilities. Do not discuss feelings

Connect with other people through activities

Connect with other people by talking
or by talking about business, politics, or sports

Feel powerful when they're in charge of

Feel powerful when they can help others

Details about people are the best part of Yawn. Details about people are boring.
any conversation. There can never enough Technical and sports-related detail-now those
detail are what's interesting

Conflict can be stressful Conflict is great; it gets the blood going

Collaboration is exciting only if there's goal to

Collaboration is more fun
win and someone to beat

Self-esteem is derived from the quality of Self-esteem is derived from achieving things
relationship in their lives. Achievement is independently, without help or handout from
based on internal goal others

What product does for me is what's most

How product work is most interesting
The Five Global Trends Driving Female Consumers:
1. The presences of more women in the workforce change everything.

Women’s share of the labor forces has increased in almost all regions of the world. You
already know there are millions of women earning an income. What’s less known is how
the simp0le fact of taking a job changes every aspect of a women’s reality- especially
how she spends her time and money.

More than 54% of all Filipina women are employed, of who about 12% are industrial
workers, 27% agrcilture laborers, and 61% service workers. Women make up 66% of
all technical and professional employees in the Philippines

Filipino women labor and employment statistics

 The result of the October 2009 Labor Force Survey (LFS) showed an increase in the Labor
Force Participation Rate (LFPR) for females at 49.3% (from 48.6% in 2008), and a very
slight decrease for males at 78.8% (from 78.9% in 2008).
 The numbers of employed and unemployed Filipinos in October 2008 were estimated at
34.5 million and 2.5 million respectively. Female employment was estimated at 13.3
million compare to 21.3 million males. Female unemployment rate for the same year
was relatively lower at 6.5% which is equivalent to 929 thousand compare to male at
7.0% which is estimated at 1.6 million.
 The numbers of employed and unemployed men in October 2008 were consistently
higher over the past years at an estimated 21.3 million and 1.6 million respectively.
 The October 2008 LFS also shows that employed men who attended or completed high
school or elementary are estimated at 40.2 percent and 35.1 percent respectively, higher
than that of  employed women at 36.4 percent and 28.1 percent respectively. Among
employed women, 33.7 percent attended or finished college which is higher compare to
employed men at 22.8 percent.
 The October 2007 LFS estimated a total of 33.7 million employed and 2.2 million
unemployed population, 15 years old and over. Employed women were estimated at
12.9 million while unemployed women were estimated at 821 thousand
 Of the total 12.8 million employed women in October 2006, around 3.5 million (27.7%)
were single; 7.9 million (61.6%) were married; and 1.4 million (10.7%) were
widowed/divorced/separated. As to the 20.4 million employed men, 6 million (29.3%)
were single; 13.8 million (67.8%) were married; and 590 thousand (2.9%) were
widowed/divorced/ separated.
 Contrary to the standard, not all employed women and men were paid. There is, in fact,
an increasing trend of unpaid workers over the past years. In October 2006, unpaid
family workers in own family business or enterprise were estimated at 4.3 million in the
agriculture, industry and services sectors from 3.7 million in 2003. Of the total figures,
2.4 million (55.8%) were unpaid women workers while only 1.9 million (44.2%) were
unpaid male workers. A large fraction of the unpaid workers, both women and men,
were laborers and unskilled workers (78.4%) in the agriculture sector (73.7%).

 When a mother goes off to work, the whole family hustler differently
 Women are the engine of the global economy
 Look where you can reach them by analyzing their daily activities
 Working women need services, not just promise
 Women dominate viewership of morning breakfast show on the television
 Being kid friendly can offer a major competitive advantage

2. Delayed married means more money spent on “me”

Women are staying single longer and have more of their own disposable income than
ever before. These young women have yet to be target or even recognized seriously by
the industries outside luxury goods, apparel, and cosmetics, even though they earn
substantial paychecks.

 Young urban women are driving trends in luxury, fashion, and design
 Young women buy big ticket items and business to business services
 Young single women are high-frequency entertainment consumers
 Women celebrate “girl power” and a new kind of feminity
 Women notice when company talk to them
3. Lower birthrate globally mean fewer kids but more “stuff”

When it comes to fertility rates, the numbers are down, particularly in industrialized
countries. Unsurprisingly, people’s decision to have fewer kids has major implication for
consumer spending patterns. But if you’re guessing that spending on kids is down, guess
 Mothers are older, wealthier, and more educated than at any other time in
 Business promotion produces that give children an education advantage find a
respective audience with the women
 Savvy kids impact their parent’s purchasing decision more than ever
o Kids are on the receiving end of so many commercial message
4. The divorce economy mean two of everything
Nearly half of American married end in divorce, and divorce rates have increased across
the world. While the societal effects of broken marriage have been studies in great
detail, the effect of divorce on the consumer economy have been underreported. The
reality of divorce is that it unleash a torrent of consumer spending-and not just on
divorce lawyers
5. The presence of more older women redefines target market
Look at enough advertising briefs and you might think that everyone older than 54 is
dead, or at the very least broke. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. The older
population has been steadily increasing its number and will continue to do so for
decade. By 2050, for the first time in human history, the global elderly will outnumber
children. The opportunities are enormous as the population
 Aging is a consumer opportunity around the world, not just western countries.
South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, and Singapore will have average population of 40
in 2050
 When it come to consumer spending, youth are overrated
 This group of women has more time, and in cases greater willingness to spend
money on consumer products, than any other group in history.
 In many ways, women feel a sense of freedom as they got older-freedom from
society’s expectation that they behave in a certain way, and freedom from the
pressure to remain sexually attractive to young man. Older women don’t have to
seek approval to young men. Older women don’t have to seek approval from
other anymore. They’re free themselves, and that is one of the most liberating
feeling anyone can have, no matter which gender,
 There’s big difference between being youthful and being young
o Consider what a broadened definition of luxury could mean to this group
of people, who still feel young and vital. Ironically, luxury is largely absent
from the world of products for the over-fifty crowd, and yet this is the
segment with money to spend
 Baby boomer women are open to new brands and product and aren’t necessarily
struck on the brands they loved decades ago,
 Health and wellness are important concerns for older women. Most fear
becoming a burden to those they love

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