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Advanced engine needed : none, runs with doom2.exe v1.9 or any port
Primary purpose : Single+Coop play

Title : Scythe
Filename : scythe.wad
Release date :
Author : Erik Alm, with guest mapper Kim "Torn" Bach
Email Address : (Erik)
Other Files By Author : quite a bunch,
Misc. Author Info : 22 year old Doomer (Erik), A somewhat younger Doomer

Description : A 32 level megawad for doom2. This megawad doesn't have

texture alignment, insane detail and fantasticly hard
Instead it focuses on small fun maps to blast through without
thought about defense. The difficulty rises steadily as you go
the maps and the last few should challenge even the best.

Additional Credits to : id software, Fredrik Johansson (textures), ZarcyB

Chris "Ryback" Ratcliff (map30 idea). Drew "stx-Vile" Dewore
All other testers too, thanks!
* What is included *
New levels : Yes, all new levels by Erik Alm (and map31 by Kim "Torn"
Sounds : No
Music : Yes, musics selected by Qwerty, Torn and myself.
Graphics : Sky textures from doom and dark covenant.
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
Other :

* Play Information *
Game : DOOM2
Map # : Map01-32
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Not recommended.

Difficulty Settings : Yes

For veteran doomers, I suggest playing e1 and e2 on uv -fast and e3 on uv if you

a good challenge. You will get stripped of all weapons every 10 maps anyway so it's

doesn't matter if you quit and use -warp 21 to get to ep3 for example.

For good doomers (like the most of you out there I guess), I suggest playing the
thing on skill 4 (ultra violence). It will get hard towards the end.
For average, casual doomers, I suggest playing e1 and e2 on uv and e3 on hmp.

For newbies (like there are any) and weak players, I suggest playing e1 and e2
on hmp and e3 on hntr (skill 2).

* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch
Build Time : 25 days of building, 25 days of slacking off.
Editor(s) used : Deth, Warm, Deutex

Known Bugs : Texture alignment bugs. Map28 uses a voodoo doll effect
will not work in legacy, the map is still completable though.

May Not Run With... : Unreal 2

Lame story (tm):

You are a space marine yadayada... A time anomaly has been detected and there
seems to be demons traveling to earth from the future!1 Your job is to travel to
various places to find out where this time anomaly is and then stop the demonic
The list of places includes military and scientific bases, factories, cities and
misc locations. Who knows where you'll end up...

Map01 - Get going! - very easy
Map02 - Punchline - very easy
Map03 - Up and around - easy
Map04 - lost warehouse - very easy
Map05 - Slimy tunnels - easy
Map06 - Pressure point - medium
Map07 - Deadly - medium
Map08 - Garden base - medium
Map09 - Computer storage - easy
Map10 - the Lords - medium

Map11 - Sneak peak - medium/hard
Map12 - Walk in the park - medium
Map13 - Subverted base - easy
Map14 - Power outage - easy
Map15 - Blood bath - medium
Map16 - Burial grounds - medium
Map17 - Book Lords - medium/hard
Map18 - M/S Futura - medium
Map19 - 3000 AD - medium
Map20 - The starport - medium/hard

Map21 - Solitude - hard, step down in skill if you die a lot here or in the
following 2 maps.
Map22 - Despair - hard
Map23 - Anger - hard
Map24 - Hatred - hard
Map25 - Envy - medium
Map26 - Fear - hard, insane monster density.
Map27 - Terror - hard
Map28 - Run from it - hard, keep running or you'll die. UV not recommended for
Map29 - Hell on earth - hard
Map30 - Fire and ice - extremely hard, watch out so you dont get telefragged :P

secret maps
Map31 - I dunno Torn - by Torn - medium
Map32 - Enoz Soahc - hard

* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors (may NOT) use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse.
You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact. This file may not be used for any commercial purposes without the
author's agreement.* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
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