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List of Vocabulary Taught in

Intermediate Reading Practices

This list contains the vocabulary in Intermediate Reading Practices that is probably new for a
student at this level of proficiency. The vocabulary is listed alphabetically for each of the eight
lessons in the book.
A good number of the words here are from the Academic Word List, the University Word
List, or the General Service List. Multiple forms of a word (e.g., injure, injured, an injury) are
given when those forms are useful for communication or frequent in usage. Words in bold appear
on the Academic Word List (see page xii for more information).
Because of individual differences in vocabulary knowledge and cognate recognition de-
pending on the learner’s native language, the amount of vocabulary that is new for each student
may vary considerably. It is also important to note that research shows that knowing one form of
a word does not in any way indicate that students are likely to know all or even most of the forms
of a word. In other words, even though the forms may look very similar (e.g., injure and injury),
it is important for learners to see the and practice these different forms.

Lesson 1
according to breathe, breath convince
accurate, accurately burst copy, copier
acquire, acquisition calculate, calculated (adj) couch
ancient calendar (UWL) cursive
area century curve
arithmetic coherent, coherence death
around common decide, decision
art, artist compare,comparison, depend, dependable,
assign, assignment (in)comparable dependence
attack, attacker complete, incomplete design
attend, attendance complicated, complication discover, discovery
author, authority conclude, conclusion dozen
average connected, connection draw, drawing
behave, misbehave contain, container, enjoy, enjoyment
bilingual, bilingualism containment entire, entirety


envelope label punch

equip, equipment legal, illegal raise
equivalent, equivalence legible, illegible rapid, rapidly
erase, eraser literate, literature request
extreme, extremely main, mainly responsible
famous, famously manner, mannerism responsive
favorite, favoritism mention review
fear, fearful message, messenger the same
fly, flew, flight might schedule
frog moral serious, seriously, seriousness
gallery mystery, mysterious should
gather, gathering occasion, occasionally shout
guess opposite sight
however order, orderly similar, similarity
huge (UWL) original, originality solid
in addition to own, owner solve, solution
include, inclusion a patient, patience song, sing
injure, injured, injury perhaps sort
instead (of) to place, placement sufficient, insufficient
joke poem, poet, poetry translate, translator,
kiss polite, impolite translation
know, knew, known, populate, population unique
unknown, knowledge postage

Lesson 2
absent, absence arrange, arranged camel
accident assassinate, assassination capital, capitalize,
act, action, actor ash capitalization
add, addition available, unavailable careful, carefully, careless
adult, adultery aware, awareness caterpillar
alike beach choose, chose, chosen,
alligator because a choice
almost belong, belonging circular
alone bite classify, classification
although blend, blender climate
ant blind, blindness climb, climbing (adj)
anybody blood, bleed, bloody continent, continental (UWL)
appliance bone, boneless controversial (controversy)
approximately, approximate branch cork
area broad counterfeit
argument, argumentation butterfly current, currency

damage lightning reptile

defend, defense load, loaded, unloaded reserve
delicate lock, locked, unlocked restrict, restriction, restrictive
desert mammal result, resulting, resultant
dessert marine routine, routinely
distance market scissors
distinguish, distinguishable mature, maturity seed, seedless
economy, economic, measure, measurement shape, shapely, shapeless
economics method, methodology sheep, sheepish
embarrass, embarrassment mix, mixer, mixture skill, skilled, skillful
especially monkey skin, skinless
geography, geographic(al) mosquito somebody
(UWL) needle, needlelike source (resource, resourceful,
giraffe nest, nesting resourcefulness)
gorilla occur, occurrence specific, specifically
government, governmental once texture, textured (UWL)
grateful percent, percentile, thread
grave percentage thunder, thundering
gray pleasant, unpleasant tiny (UWL)
half precious tornado
health, healthy prevalent, prevalence violent, violence
horn prevent, prevention watermelon
image, imagine previous, previously whale
insure, insurance property width
jump protect, protection, protected, wing, wingless
large, larger, largest unprotected wool
laugh, laughter puzzle, puzzling

Lesson 3
able, unable, ability, inability biology, biological (UWL) code
achieve, achievement bizarre commit, commitment
actually, actual blade compress, compression
adapt, adaptation blind condition, conditionally
adhere, adhesive boring (UWL) consist (of)
advantage bother, bothersome create, creation, creative,
allow, allowance bulb creatively
automatic, automatically capital crime, criminal
(UWL) catalog (UWL) cross
battery (UWL) cement dark
better, best certain, certainly deaf
biography, biographical childhood decade

demonstrate, demonstration hobby relate, a relationship,

desire, desirable increase a relative
detail, detailed industry, industrious relative, relatively
develop, development ink remain
device (UWL) install, installation remove, removal
diligent, diligence invent, invention, inventor reveal, revelation
distant, distance iron reward, rewarding
document, documentary, ironic scratch
documentation lantern shave
earn local select, selection
edge, edgy magnet, magnetic (UWL) semester
emotion, emotional (UWL) minimize signal
encyclopedia, encyclopedic motivate, motivation (motive) society, societal
engine, engineer, engineering murder spirit
escape nickname split
establish, establishment obstacle storage
even odor, odorless succeed, success, successful
event operate, operator, operation such
except, exception, exceptional opinion terrible
excess, excessive orchestra therefore
execute, execution partially though
exist, existence pedestrian thought, thoughtful
experiment, experimental permanent, permanence through BUT thorough
explode, explosion perspiration throughout
fail, failure physical transmit, transmitter,
flavor, flavorful plug, unplug transmission
force, forceful preceding (precede) transport,
fortunately, unfortunately primary transportation
(fortune) primitive value, valuable
fuel (UWL) process vary, variety
gain, gainful produce, production, volume
genius productive wallet
globe, global promise weigh, weight
govern, government punish, punishment whole, wholesome
groove quote, quotation worse
hard-working rare, rarity

Lesson 4
accept, acceptance adjust, adjustment affect (v), effect (n)
achieve, achievement admit (effective, affected)
adjacent advertise, advertisement agree, agreement

alarm, alarming develop, developed, ongoing

allow, allowance undeveloped, development pillow
amend, amendment destination plateau
amount diamond powerful
annoying, annoyance disconnect prepayment
appoint displace, displacement profit, profitable
architecture, architect distinct, distinctive purpose, purposeful
argue, argument enforce, enforcement rank
ashamed enhance, enhancement reference, referent
assess, assessment entertain, entertainment refund, refundable
astonish, astonishment extend, extension scenery, scenic, scene
attract, attraction flat settle, settlement
based (on) foreign, foreigner solutions
behind forthcoming somewhat
bright (to) found sophisticated
border, bordered further stain
bug generate, generation state, statement, stately
capable govern, government, governor statistics
carve haste, hasty, hastily storm
characteristic honest, dishonest supply
coast, coastal, coastline humid, humidity surround, surrounding(s)
colony, colonial, colonize improve, improvement temperature, temperate
condition, conditional income thief
confession invest, investment treat, treatment
convince, convincing involve, involvement trial
corresponding, lift tropical (UWL)
correspondent, magnificent magnificence trust
correspondence, manage, management turtle
correspond measure, measurement twins
crash movement, movement unbeatable
defeat multiple wealth, wealthy
defendant nearly

Lesson 5
agriculture, agricultural attach, attachment blockade
approve, approval attempt bridge
artificial, artificiality atract, attraction buckle
assassin, assassinate, avoid, avoidance canal
assassination battle, battlefield candidate, candidacy
atom, atomic bitter, bitterly canyon

censor, censorship hinder, hindrance propose, proposal

census, consensus honor, honorable provide, provision
characteristic, inspire, inspiration province, provincial (UWL)
characteristically invade, invasion (UWL) quite
citizen, citizenship (to) last, lasting react, reaction, reactive
command, commanding lie [in a place] reelect
companion, companionship lungs refuse, refusal
compose, composer member, membership regardless
conflict, conflicting mess, messy reside, resident
constitution, constitute missile respiration
construction mission, missionary secret
dam multiple series
damp, dampness narrow shallow
debate nation, national, nationalize, shocked
destroy nationally slave, slavery
district nearby slightly
divide, division neglect, neglectful sponsor, sponsorship
drought neutral, neutrality statistics, statistical
earthquake nowadays striped
edge, edgy obvious, obviously stunned
elect, election offend survey, surveyor
elevator official, officially tense
emotion, emotional (UWL) origin, original, originally tough, toughness
encourage, encouragement passage, passageway, tradition, traditional,
envelope passages traditionally
expand, expanding, path treaty (UWL)
expansion period, periodic, periodically turbulent, turbulence
(to) face persuade, persuasion violent, violence
float, floatation prejudice, prejudicial weak
flood prescribe, prescription
general, generality, generalize prison, prisoner

Lesson 6
abbreviated, abbreviation bound deceive, deceptive, deceitful
aboard bribe deficient, deficiency
adequately CPR degree
administer, administration chin dependent, independent
(UWL) confident, confidence differ, difference, different,
annual, annually create, creative, creation differently
apply, application crew disease
approaching crowd, crowded disrupt, disruption

drown, drowning least search

effect, effective, effectively liberal, liberalism scent
efficient, efficiently locate, location section
emergency lotion select, selection, selective,
equivalent, equivalence major, majority selectively
especially material, materialistic (UWL) sequence, sequential
estimate, estimation missing series
evident, evidence, evidently negate, negation shark
excellence, excellent normal, normally shelter
exhale obedience, obedient site
expend, expendable objective slide, slid
experience, experiential outcome spinach
explain, explanation owe sufficient, sufficience
explosive passenger suitable
extremely patience suppress (UWL)
factors pay, payment surge
final pearl survive, survival
forbid, forbidden perceive, perception tame
forecast, forecaster pertain, pertinent thunderstorm
funnel pinch tornado
gap plus unaided
gentle, gently potential unaware
grade predict, prediction underestimate
hide presence unpredictability
ignore, ignorance profession, professional usage (UWL)
illustrate, illustration proficient, proficiency vehicle, vehicular
injure, injury receipt victim, victimize
innovate, innovative, resurgent, resurgence wave
innovation resuscitate, resuscitation weak, weakness
leak scare

Lesson 7
accent college curly
acquire, acquisition consequently, consequence current, currency
anniversary considerably definite, definitely, definitive
bare, barely constantly despite
beneath corporation device
beneficial crowded devised (UWL)
cavity crucial diagram (UWL)
collapsed curious, curiosity distraught

edition nap several

erosion, erode national, nationalize share
exact, exactly nationality shrimp
express, expression native signal
fade, faded naughty significant, significance
familiar, familiarity niece skip
figure, figurative option, optional slender
filthy organization sole
forecaster otherwise speeding
form, forming overall straight
fought portion stress, stressful
freedom portrait structure, structural
frequent, frequently proud style, stylish
function, functional purchase, purchased subtitle
funds pyramid summary, summarize
guide (guideline) quality support, supportive
headquarters quarreled symbol, symbolize
hired quite system, systematize
honeymoon recall tender
host recognizable, recognize thereby
humble recognize tomb
imply, implication rely on toward
invisible remote triangle
isolated, isolation replace, replacement typical
issued require, requirement upset
join reveal on the verge of
jungle revolve, revolution (UWL) version
loneliness, lonely rid, riddance vice-versa
majority role view
margin, marginal scene, scenic wise, wisely
maximum (UWL) scold
merge, merger sculptor

Lesson 8
aim autograph concerned
ancestor basic, basically conscious
ankle calories decrease
announcement cancer digest, digestion (UWL)
appear childish, childishness donor
arrow comprehend, comprehension drowsy

enables peel, peeled, unpeeled shatter, shattered

enlarge perform shift
equal, equally persuasion skeleton (UWL)
essential poet snack
explain political soil
extended politician spread
flexible precisely squeezes
foolishly pressure stage
giant promote substance
hectic proof superior (UWL)
indispensable pulse sweeten
ingredients pump syllable
inhabit, inhabitants race task
inherited rage theory, theories
interact recipient transfuse, transfusion
interrupted recommend undercook
layered recover universal
mayor reduce useless
meals regulate various
memorize relax, relaxation vegetarian
memory respond, response vision
opportunity rob, robbery well-developed
originated selfish
pattern separate

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