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Customer Archetype Worksheet

When defining your customer archetype, the more specific you are, the better.
After all- how can you build a product or service that someone will love if you don’t understand
that person inside and out?
Fill out the answers below to create your first basic customer archetype:


My customer is a _______________ in the _______________ industry
My customer’s education level is _____________________________________
My customer’s relationship status is ___________________________________

My customer is a male/female/other.
My customer is between the ages of ____ and _____.
My customer resides in a town like _____________________________

My customer’s short term goals are: ________________________________
My customer’s long term goals are: _________________________________
My customer’s personal goals are:__________________________________

On a daily basis, my customer faces___________________________________________
My customer’s professional challenges include__________________________________
My customer’s personal challenges include_____________________________________

In their spare time, my customer enjoys _______________________________________
My customer is interested in topics like________________________________________
My customer’s daily life includes routines like___________________________________

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