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Adaptive Immunity of Airway

Inflammation in Asthma

Cameron H. Flayer, Sarah S. Killingbeck,
Erik Larson, Zoulfia Allakhverdi,
and Angela Haczku

Abstract inflammation. In this chapter we discuss our

Respiratory immunity is responsible for current understanding of immune regulation
pathogen elimination and prevention of of airway inflammation in asthma, with a spe-
chronic inflammation through both innate and cial focus on the interactions between the
adaptive mechanisms. Inappropriate activation adaptive and innate immune systems and the
of these immune systems in the respiratory epithelial mucosal tissue.
mucosa results in chronic inflammatory
airways disease such as asthma. Adaptive Keywords
immunity is stimulated for example by Asthma · Epithelial cells · Immune homeosta-
allergen exposure that activates T and B sis · Pattern recognition · Host defense
lymphocytes leading to IgE production and
influx of eosinophilic granulocytes into the
airways. Presence of IgE and eosinophilia are
diagnostic hallmarks as well as key pathogenic 1 Introduction
components that have been utilized in the
search for improved therapies of allergic The history of discovering the importance of the
asthma for the past several decades. The recent adaptive immune regulation of asthma started
breakthroughs in successful clinical with John Bostock’s description of hay fever as
application of biologicals in asthma were being an allergic disease affecting the upper air-
driven by improved genetic, biochemical, and ways, in 1819 [1]. It took almost a century how-
immunological screening methods, novel ever to realize that cellular/humoral immune
imaging and bioinformatics technology, pathways are involved in development of the
biomarker discovery and a better understanding allergic condition. In 1906, Clemens von Pirquet
of immune regulation of allergic airway first described the ‘hypersensitivity’ symptoms
that some of his diphtheria patients developed
when treated with a horse serum antitoxin, and he
C. H. Flayer · S. S. Killingbeck · E. Larson
A. Haczku (*) coined the term ‘allergy‘(From the Greek allos = 
School of Medicine, University of California at “other” + ergon = “work”) [2, 3]. Unfortunately,
Davis, Davis, CA, USA because anaphylaxis was already introduced as a
e-mail: medical term by Besredka [4], Von Pirquet’s con-
Z. Allakhverdi cepts didn’t gain wide acceptance during his life-
The Research Institute of the McGill University time. Nonetheless, between 1911 and 1914
Health Centre, Montreal, Québec, CA

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 57

C. Riccardi et al. (eds.), Immunopharmacology and Inflammation,
58 C. H. Flayer et al.

Leonard Noon and John Freeman were able to This was followed by approval of an anti-IL-5
establish the foundations for clinical allergy monoclonal antibody, Mepolizumab (Nucala,
treatment by immunotherapy or “allergy shots” GSK), in 2014, and the anti-IL-5R antibody
on an empirical basis [4]. It took another fifty Benralizumab (Fasenra, MedImmune), the anti-­
years until a new immunoglobulin isotype, (IgX) IL-­4R antibody Dupilumab (Regeneron, Sanofi)
was discovered by Johansson and Bennich [5] just last year, in 2017. The significance of a
(1967) and identified by Kimishige and Teruko monoclonal antibody-based treatment lies in the
Ishizaka (at the National Jewish Center in capability to specifically target the major
Denver) as the principal molecular mediator of pathogenic mechanisms (IgE production and
the allergic reaction, and was then named eosinophilic airway inflammation), while
IgE. How allergic responses are regulated at the preserving the rest of the functions of the immune
cellular level, however, was still unclear. In 1986 system. This long-awaited introduction of
Tim Mosmann & Bob Coffman observed that the selective biologicals to the clinic represents a
“T-cell growth factor 2” (IL-4) producing T cell significant breakthrough in asthma treatment that
clones were the same that helped IgE production was (and continues to be) driven by better
by B lymphocytes, but different from the IFN-γ understanding of how the antigen-driven T cell-­
producing clones and they published the dependent immune response (adaptive immunity)
“Th1-Th2 hypothesis” [6]. In the early 1990s, A is involved in regulation of asthma. T cells
Barry Kay’s laboratory in London established normally function to eliminate infections by
that atopic asthma is associated with activation of certain pathogens and to activate B lymphocytes
Th2 cells, characterized by IL-4 and IL-5 but not and innate immune cells. Adaptive immunity is
IFN-γ release [7]. IL-4 and IL-5 are cytokines based on the unique function of T cells to
essential for IgE synthesis and tissue eosinophilia, recognize antigens (through their T-cell receptor)
respectively. Discovering the central importance presented by MHC bearing antigen presenting
of T cells in asthma pathogenesis explained the cells (APCs) and respond in an antigen-specific
phenomenal success achieved in its treatment by manner. Class II MHC molecules display
the introduction of glucocorticosteroids (by antigenic peptides derived from extracellular
Philip Hench and Edward Kendall, in 1948). proteins while class I MHC molecules present
Chronic glucocorticosteroid (steroid) treatment peptides from cytosolic proteins to CD4 and CD8
of asthmatic patients, however, came with the expressing T cells, respectively. Allergy develops
price of severe metabolic and immune side because of altered T cell responses to otherwise
effects, including global immunosuppression [8]. innocuous environmental-derived antigens.
In addition, while steroids have been effective in
general and became the mainstay of treatment, a
significant proportion of asthmatics remained 2  ow Do Antigens Become
unresponsive to treatment (steroid resistant) [9– Allergens?
13]. Alternative approaches, therefore, had to be
found. Further advances in selective targeting of Allergens are diverse materials and can be defined
the adaptive/allergic immune response were according to their chemical structures, by their
made possible by the ability to synthesize origins and by the route of exposure (Table  1)
biologicals (monoclonal antibodies, 1975), [14, 15]. Generally, they have a low molecular
awarded by the 1984 Nobel prize to Kohler & weight, are highly soluble, often carry
Milstein. In 2003 for adults and last year also for carbohydrate side chains and have various
children above 11  years of age, the Food and enzymatic activities.
Drug Administration (FDA) approved How do antigens become allergens is not well
Omalizumab (Xolair; Genentech/Roche and understood [15, 17] but the presence of “danger”
Novartis), a non-anaphylactogenic monoclonal signals, a compromised physical barrier [18, 19]
antibody against IgE for the treatment of asthma. and cooperation between structural components
Table 1  Classification of the most common allergens according to origin and biological functions
Internal Enzymes (especially proteases), ligand-binding proteins or lipocalins, albumins, tropomyosins and calcium-binding proteins
Foods: Lipid transfer proteins, profilins, seed storage proteins and tropomyosins
 The FDA identified the following list as allergenic food products by law (>10 ppm) (
  1. Milk
  2. Eggs
  3. Peanuts
   4. Tree nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts)
   5. Fish (bass, cod, flounder)
   6. Shellfish (crab, lobster, shrimp)
  7. Soy
Adaptive Immunity of Airway Inflammation in Asthma

  8. Wheat
 Other common allergenic foods: celery and celeriac, corn or maize; fruit, pumpkin, eggplant, legumes, beans, peas, soybean milk; seafood; sesame,
pecan nuts
Animal products Fur and dander; cockroach calyx; wool
Insect stings Bee sting venom; wasp sting venom; mosquito stings
Mold spores Alternaria alternata; Aspergillus fumigatus
Plant pollens The most widespread groups of plant proteins that contain allergens are the cupin and prolamin superfamilies and the protein families of the plant
defense system [16]
Pathogenesis-related proteins, calcium-binding proteins, pectate lyases, β-expansins and trypsin inhibitors;
   Grass: ryegrass, timothy-grass
   Weeds: ragweed, plantago, nettle, Artemisia vulgaris, Chenopodium album; sorrel
   Trees: birch, alder, hazel, hornbeam, Aesculus, willow, poplar, Platanus tilia, Olea, Ashe juniper, Alstonia scholaris
Drugs Salicylates (also found naturally in numerous fruits) penicillin, sulfonamides
Other Latex, metal, wood
Modified from;
60 C. H. Flayer et al.

of mucosal organs (or skin) and immune cells recognition. DAMPs have recently emerged as
through released mediators and physical important proinflammatory mediators in chronic
interactions are thought to be important in driving allergic airway inflammation and include S100
this process [20–33]. Involvement of innate proteins, the high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1)
(lymphoid cells/macrophages/dendritic) cells protein, actin filaments, extracellular ATP,
and epithelial cells in allergic (Th2 type) glucose, monosodium urate (MSU) crystals and
responses are also essential [34–37]. calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD).
Intratracheal administration of house dust mite
(HDM) to mice induced the production of uric
2.1 How Allergens Are Sensed? acid by epithelial cells and promoted Th2
sensitization by amplifying production of IL-25,
Differential recognition of allergen molecular IL-33, and TSLP.  Uricase treatment reduced
patterns by the adaptive immune system is allergic inflammation and airway hyperres­
dependent on a prior sensitization process and a ponsiveness [46]. Epithelial injury after fungal
complex antigen presentation between antigen airway exposure resulted in the release of
presenting cells and antigen-specific T lympho­ ATP,  acute extracellular accumulation of which
cytes. Antigen-specific (cognate) activation of induced IL-33 and subsequent Th2 response [47].
T and B cells is a prerequisite of the adaptive Thus, DAMPs produced by epithelial cells can
immune response. promote initiation and persistence of allergic
Allergens can function as adjuvants shaping inflammation. DAMPs are recognized by NOD-­
their own immune response. Innate recognition like receptors (NLRs) [48]. NLRs can also
of allergens is mediated by constitutively active recognize alum, cholesterol, environmental
pattern-recognition through a range of receptors irritants, silica and asbestos [49]. A subset of
(PRRs) in epithelial and immune cells of the NLRs (NLRP1, NLRP3 and NLRC4) can
barrier surfaces. PRRs can be surface bound, assemble and oligomerize into a common
such as the toll-like receptors (TLRs) or C-type structure (inflammasome) that activates the
lectin receptors (CLRs); cytoplasmic, such as the caspase-1 cascade leading to production of IL-1β
nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain and IL-18, thereby initiating the inflammatory
protein (NOD)-like receptors (NLRs) or the RNA response.
helicases (RIG-like receptors [RLRs]) [38–42].
PRRs can also be soluble such as the pentraxins, C-type Lectins (CLRs)  form a large family of
mucins, and the initiator molecules of the receptors that bind to carbohydrates in a calcium-­
complement system, C1q, collectins and ficolins dependent manner through conserved carbohy-
[43, 44]. A recently described secreted pathogen drate-recognition domains. CLRs include type I
sensor is PLUNC (Palate, Lung, Nasal Epithelium (DEC 205, MMR) and type II (dectin-1, 2,
Clone), an abundant secretory product of epithelia Mincle, DC-SIGN, DNGR-I) membrane mole-
present throughout the conducting airways of cules [50–53]. Soluble CLRs are the collectins
humans and other mammals. PLUNC is (SP-A, SP-D and MBL) that participate in aller-
evolutionarily related to the lipid transfer/ gen opsonization and suppression of inflamma-
lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LT/LBP) tory cell activation.
family [45].
Allergens can also have protease activities.
PRRs  specifically recognize conserved motifs Extracellular serine, aspartic, and metallopro­
called pathogen-associated molecular patterns teases (components of many airborne pathogens
(PAMPs) and newly discovered self-derived and allergens [54–56]) and novel membrane-
molecules after cell damage or death, through associated proteases, such as yapsins and ADAMs
damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP) [57, 58], can induce Th2 inflammatory responses
Adaptive Immunity of Airway Inflammation in Asthma 61

by altering the permeability of epithelial barrier TLR Activation  is critical not only to detect
(disrupting the epithelial tight junctions [21]) and pathogens in the epithelia but also to regulate Th2
allowing allergens to cross and interact with cell responses induced by inhaled allergens as well
mucosal dendritic cells [59]. Proteolytic enzymes [29, 73–80]. Activation of TLRs by allergens has
contribute to inflammation through interactions been implicated in allergic sensitization and experi-
with the kinin system [60] as well as the mental evidence demonstrates an increase in aller-
coagulation and fibrinolytic systems [61] and the gen-induced asthma severity after exposure to LPS
complement cascade [62–64]. Proteases can also [81]. Interestingly, Derp2 allergen of the HDM
induce proinflammatory cytokines through showed structural homology with the LPS-binding
protease-activated receptors (PARs) [57]. PARs protein MD-2 (TLR4 associated adaptor protein).
are identified on immune, inflammatory and Derp2 acted on structural cells to increase produc-
structural cells. Specifically, epithelial cells tion of Th2-­inducing cytokines, such as thymic
express PAR-1 and PAR-2 receptors, the more stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), IL-33, IL-25 and
prominent of the four identified protease-­ GM-CSF, all closely associated with the develop-
activated receptor molecules. The mechanisms ment and pathogenesis of allergic inflammation
by which the seven transmembrane G-protein [77, 82]. Under conditions of low LPS exposure,
coupled protease receptors interact with proteases Derp2 interaction facilitated LPS signaling through
involve cleavage of the N-terminal region TLR4  in the absence of MD-2 and shifted the
exposing a cryptic “receptor activating sequence”. immune response towards a Th2 type [75].
If the cleaved region includes the receptor Allergens may also trigger synergistic effects
activating sequence, the receptor becomes between PAR-2 and TLR signaling in the epithelial
inactivated. Thus, proteases may activate or cells [70], mounting Th2 responses and allergic air-
inactivate PARs depending on the proteolytic way inflammation through the release of Th2-
cleavage site [65]. Because its major activator is inducing cytokines. Lastly, a recent paper indicated
thrombin, PAR-1 links the coagulation and that innate immunity of the upper and lower air-
inflammatory cascades. PAR-1 mediates ways was distinctive, because HDM-­derived beta-
production of protein C, an anti-inflammatory/ glucans, rather than LPS, activated innate immunity
cytoprotective molecule. The PAR-1/protein C in the nasal mucosa dependent on TLR2, but not on
pathway is impaired in asthmatic patients and in TLR4. In contrast, the LPS/TLR4 signaling axis,
mouse models of allergic airway sensitization rather than beta-glucans/TLR2, was critical to
[61]. PAR-2 is activated by trypsin, mast cell HDM-induced allergic asthma in mice. Thus, dif-
tryptase, leukocyte proteinase-3, bacterial ferential TLR activation on airway epithelial cells
enzymes and a wide variety of cockroach [66], may be responsible in determining the nature of
mold and mite [67] allergens that exhibit serine innate immune response of the nose and lungs,
protease activity. A number of studies in animals leading to allergic inflammation of the upper or
suggested that PAR-2 activation plays a lower respiratory tract, respectively [83].
proinflammatory role in asthma [67–71]. A
protective role of PAR-2 activation was also
suggested using a PAR-2 activated peptide in Role of Viruses  in allergic airway inflamma-
allergen-challenged rabbits [72]. Of note, pollen tion: Epithelial cells are the primary target and
grains with distinct allergenic abilities can also residence for respiratory viruses such as the
release proteases. These, however, work by human rhinoviruses (HRV), respiratory syncytial
attacking the epithelial tight junctions and virus (RSV) and influenza A virus. In fact, there
facilitating allergen delivery across the epithelium is considerable evidence that viral respiratory
(Fig. 1) [54]. infections and respiratory allergies are the two
most significant risk factors for the onset of
62 C. H. Flayer et al.

Fig. 1  Cell associated innate immune receptors: PAMPs modulating role in the inflammatory changes. The
(pathogen-associated molecular patterns) and DAMPs Protease associated receptors (PARs), Toll-like receptors
(damage-associated molecular patterns) are recognized (TLRs), C-type lectin receptors (CLRs), can also directly
by PRRs (pattern recognition receptors). The receptor bind allergens. Antibody binding receptors (not listed
families listed here are relevant to allergen-induced here) are part of the adaptive immune response
inflammation because they bind pathogens that have a

asthma in children and exacerbations of asthma In chronic airway inflammation, there is also
in adults [84, 85]. Respiratory virus infection evidence for a role of membrane-bound and
occurs mainly through receptor-mediated cytoplasmic RNA sensing molecules, such as
endocytosis. In case of influenza A virus TLR3 and TLR7/8 [93], that are localized to
infection, epithelial mediated asthma exacer­ endosomal and plasma membranes and bind
bations could be due to a damage to epithelial double-stranded and single-stranded RNA,
cells and production of inflammatory mediators respectively. Activation of TLR3 leads to
[86, 87] or activation of innate immune effector induction of the RNA helicases (RIG-like
and inflammatory cells [88]. Influenza A virus ­receptors [RLRs] and melanoma-differentiation-­
attacks epithelial cells via hemagglutinin that associated gene 5 [MDA-5]). All three of these
recognizes sialic acid (N-acetyl neuraminic acid) (TLR3, RIG-1 and MDA-5) cooperate in the
bound to underlying sugars on the tips of the cell upregulation of innate interferon (IFN) responses
glycoproteins [87]. RSV and HRV receptors on to HRV infection [94]. In asthma the early TLR3
the other hand include a number of shared signaling is defective, leading to inadequate
­putative molecules such as intercellular adhe- IFN-β and IFN-λ responses that account for the
sion molecule (ICAM)-1 and TLRs. Heparin, impaired viral clearance and consequent epithe-
annexin II, and fractalkine (CX3CL1) receptor, lial damage in this disease [95]. Viral infections
CX3CR1 additionally were shown to mediate with single- or double-stranded RNA can induce
some of the biological functions of RSV, that NLRP3 activation and IL-25, IL-33, and TSLP
now also has a newly discovered selective recep- release by epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo,
tor, nucleolin [reviewed by [89]]. HRV infection mediating Th2-type airway inflammation.
is the most common cause of asthma exacerba- Indeed, infection of mice with influenza virus
tion. The majority of HRV-A and -B strains bind induces IL-33 release from alveolar macro-
to ICAM-1 (CD54) and only the minority phages, resulting in the production of IL-13 by
(approximately 10%) of the HRV-A binds to group 2 innate lymphoid cells [88, 96].
members of the LDL receptor family. HRV
upregulates its own receptor, ICAM-1 on epi- Expression of IL-25, IL-33, and TSLP  through
thelial cells in an NF-kB-dependent manner [90, innate immune signaling is critical to drive the
91] and causes production of inflammatory Th2 response. These cytokines are initially
mediators and loss of glucocorticoid respon- produced by epithelium at the mucosal surfaces
siveness [92]. in response to challenges but they are subsequently
Adaptive Immunity of Airway Inflammation in Asthma 63

amplified by other tissue-resident and immune with mucus metaplasia [105]. Mice deficient for
cells during inflammatory responses. In recent the IL-17 receptor are protected from allergen-
years, the roles for IL-25, IL-33, and TSLP in induced airway inflammation, and in humans,
Th2 type airway inflammation have been asthmatic subjects have higher levels of BAL and
extensively studied in a variety of experimental sputum IL-17 [106–108]. Importantly, after ces-
models and in human systems. These studies sation of allergen exposure, the timely resolution
consistently find potent activities of these of allergic airway responses is also governed by
cytokines to induce and amplify Th2 type regulation of the Th17 pathway.
immune responses [reviewed in [97]]. Transgenic
overexpression of these cytokines induces Th2 Genetic and Epigenetic Influences  Genome-­
cytokine expression in tissues, airway wide association studies (GWAS) and meta-­
eosinophilia, increased release of IgE antibodies analyses of GWAS discovered new asthma
and Th2 cytokines into the serum, mucus susceptibility genes including IL1RL1/IL18R1
overproduction, with goblet cell hyperplasia, [109], IL-33, ORMDL3/GSDMB, SMAD3
airway thickening, and airway [110], and TSLP [111]. Associations with varia-
hyperresponsiveness, all consistent with human tion in the genes encoding IL1RL1/IL18R1 (the
asthma [98–100]. Such cytokine-induced IL-33 receptor ST2), IL-33, SMAD3, and TSLP
pathological airway changes are also apparent in indicated the importance of both innate immune
mice deficient in the Rag gene, emphasizing the response promoting Th2 pathways (atopy) and
significance of innate immune cells in initiating asthma. On the other hand, variation at the 17q21
the allergic immune responses [101]. asthma locus, encoding the ORMDL3 and
GSDML genes were specifically associated with
Chemokine and Cytokine Release  also plays risk for epithelial remodeling and childhood-
an important role in driving Th2-type immune onset asthma but not IgE [112]. Recent technical
responses. Following allergen challenge, CCL17 advances facilitated assessment of the effect of
and CCL22 mediate migration of Th2 and den- epigenetic modifications on development of
dritic cells to the airways by interacting with their allergic airways changes. Epigenetic changes
common receptor, CCR4 [78, 102]. CCL20 (the include post-translational modifications of his-
only chemokine that ligates CCR6) is also impor- tones and chromatin remodeling, DNA methy­
tant in attracting T cells and dendritic cells to the lation or mRNA regulation through small
epithelial area of the respiratory tract [77]. noncoding RNAs, including microRNAs (miR-
Autocrine cytokine stimulation of residential NAs) that interfere with translation [reviewed in
cells in the airways amplifies the initial PRR-­ [113]]. Epigenetic regulation can affect the pro-
induced proinflammatory gene activation. For moter region or the gene itself. It can result in
example, in the early stages during allergen-­ gene silencing or aberrant expression. Epigenetic
induced airway inflammation, IL-17 can upregu- alterations can be carried over in the genes
late release of the CXCR2 ligands, CXCL1, through meiosis, therefore specific periods in life
CXCL6 and CXCL8 as well as GM-CSF and such as in utero, during childhood or adolescence
G-CSF. It can also induce release of CCL20 and are highly susceptible to these influences.
β-defensins, both of which act on CCR6 to attract Environmental factors such as air pollution [114],
dendritic cells and memory T cells [103]. IL-17 psychosocial stress [115], cigarette smoke expo-
can also act synergistically with viral infection or sure, nutrition/obesity [116], can all alter the
other proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α epigenome that can in turn influence T cell phe-
and IL-1β to enhance inflammatory responses notype and affect the development of asthma
[104]. Transgenic expression of IL-17 in airway [113]. For example, methylation array data in
epithelial cells induced airway eosinophil and clinic visits of 141 subjects from the Normative
lymphocyte infiltration and structural changes Aging Study found that exposures to black
64 C. H. Flayer et al.

c­ arbon and sulfate were significantly associated and antigen sampling through the production of
with the gene methylation pattern in the asthma Th2-promoting chemokines CCL17 and CCL22
pathway [114]. In a study of the gene [78]. Recruitment and local survival of dendritic
ADCYAP1R1  in Puerto Rican children 9  years cells is mediated by CCL20 (a ligand for CCR6
and older, exposure to violence was associated present on immature dendritic cells) and
with promoter methylation and increased odds of GM-CSF, respectively [32, 80, 118, 119].
asthma [115]. DNA methylation in the Recruitment of dendritic cells to the airways is
Neuropeptide S Receptor 1 (NPSR1) promoter essential in the adaptive B, T and NK cell-­
was also found to be significantly linked with mediated immune responses important in defense
cigarette smoking and obesity in relation to against infection by viruses and bacteria and in
asthma [116]. allergen-driven inflammation of the airways
[120, 121]. The nature of the immune response
that occurs after dendritic cell exposure to
3 Cellular Interactions antigens is determined by the state of dendritic
with T-cells Driving Th2-type cell activation and the context in which they
Inflammatory Response present antigen to T cells, i.e. the level and type
in Asthma of co-stimulatory molecules and cytokine pattern
expressed by the dendritic cells. TSLP can
Dendritic Cells  were named after their mem- directly activate dendritic cells to prime naïve
brane projections resembling the dendrites of CD4+ T cells to differentiate into proinflammatory
neurons. There are two major classes of these Th2 cells that secrete IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 and TNF,
cells, Classical (or conventional) and but not IL-10; it can also stimulate the expression
Plasmacytoid. Conventional dendritic cells are of the prostaglandin D2 receptor CRTH2 [122–
originated from myeloid (bone marrow-derived) 124]. The process by which this polarization
precursors. Similarly to tissue macrophages, occurs involves the induction of the Th2-cell
dendritic cells constantly sample the environment associated co-stimulatory molecule OX40L
in which they reside and capture tissue antigens, (Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily,
migrate to the draining lymph nodes while member 4) by dendritic cells [125]. The
becoming activated, upregulate costimulatory polarization of Th2 cells induced by TSLP-­
molecules, produce inflammatory cytokines, and matured dendritic cells is further enhanced by
initiate adaptive T cell responses. Classical IL-25 [126].
dendritic cells may be divided into two major
subsets: (1) BDCA-1/CD1c (in humans) or Macrophages  have a central role in the mainte-
CD11b (in mice), is most potent at driving CD4+T nance of immunological homeostasis and host
cell responses and (2) BDCA-3 (in humans or in defense in the lung. They can be classified
mice), CD8  in lymphoid tissues or CD103  in depending on their localization as “alveolar” vs.
peripheral tissues, is an efficient cross-presenter “interstitial”; depending on their origin as
(described later in this chapter). Some dendritic “migratory vs. residential” and depending on
cells may be derived from monocytes, especially their function as “M1 vs. M2” (or “classically
in situations of inflammation (Fig. 2). activated” vs. “alternatively activated”) [127,
128]. Dependending on the activating stimulus
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (looking like plasma received, M2 macrophages can be further
cells) are poorly phagocytic and do not sample subdivided into M2a (after exposure to IL-4 or
environmental antigens. They secrete large IL-13), M2b (in response to immune complexes
amounts of type I interferons and in viral in combination with IL-1β or LPS), M2c (IL-10,
infections, present antigens to virus-specific T TGFβ or glucocorticoids), and M2d (induced by
cells [117]. Activation of selective TLRs on TLR agonists through the adenosine receptor)
epithelial cells enhances dendritic cell motility [129, 130]. Depending on their differential
Adaptive Immunity of Airway Inflammation in Asthma 65

Fig. 2  Dendritic cells and initiation of adaptive immunity endothelial cells of the lymphatic vessels in increasing
of airway inflammation. Classical dendritic cells have the concentrations towards the lymph nodes. While becoming
ability to either enter the air spaces or to extend their activated, dendritic cells upregulate costimulatory
dendrites out and sample the environment and capture molecules, produce inflammatory cytokines, and initiate
tissue antigens. Upon antigen uptake, dendritic cells adaptive T cell responses in the paracortex. T helper cells
mature and express CCR7. This chemokine receptor is then become follicular helper cells (Tfh), migrate to the B
ligated by CCL19 or CCL21 that are produced by cell follicle and help allergen specific B cells in class
switch recombination and IgE production

expression of mediators, M2 cell subclasses can express CD206 (mannose-binding receptor, MR)
support allergic airway inflammation; help and promote the adaptive allergic immune
resolution of airway changes through a heightened response through a unique mediator profile,
phagocytic capability; facilitate remodeling; and including IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13 and IL-33,
provide immunosuppressive activities. During CCL17, CCL18, CCL22, CCL24, HO-1,
the allergic airway response, bone marrow-­ Arginase 1, chitinase-like Ym1, and Fizz1 (found
derived monocytes migrate through the in inflammatory zone-1) [133, 136–138].
circulation and differentiate under the effects of
locally released cytokines, chemokines, and other Innate Lymphoid Cells  In 2010, three indepen-
inflammatory mediators. These local factors are dent groups identified a novel innate immune cell
important in the priming and skewing of these type that following alarmin cytokine (IL-33,
cells into “alternatively activated” macrophages, IL-25, TSLP)  activation, was an early producer
a proinflammatory Th2-type subclass of M2 of IL-5 and IL-13 during allergic inflammation
macrophages [131]. The “classically activated” [139]. These cells have since been named group 2
M1 macrophage phenotype promotes Th1-type innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s). In mouse models,
inflammation [132]. In Th2-type allergic asthma, ILC2s were demonstrated to play an essential
the M2 macrophage phenotype is stimulated by role in parasitic diseases and in allergic asthma,
the absence of IFNγ signaling to the M1/Th1 producing levels of IL-5 and IL-13 that resem-
pathway [132]. Indeed, in three different mouse bled those derived from Th2 cells [140–145].
models of allergic inflammation, the M2 Subsequent investigations provided the first
macrophage phenotype was predominant in direct evidence that in response to IL-25 and
severe asthma [133]. The M2 phenotype can be IL-33, these cells mediated airway inflammation
induced by IL-33  in alveolar and polarized by secreting Th2 cytokines [146, 147]. A patho-
macrophages [134, 135]. M2 macrophages genic role of ILC2s was shown in nasal polyps of
66 C. H. Flayer et al.

patients with chronic rhinosinusitis and in severe activity of IL-33 [165]. In turn, IL-33 enhanced
asthmatics with high levels of eosinophils present neutrophil migration in sepsis and psoriasis by
in the airways [147, 148]. Studies from our labo- upregulating CCR2 expression [166, 167]. While
ratory and many others used mouse models to eosinophils are thought to be the main culprit in
demonstrate that ILC2s are required for Th2-type allergic asthma, more severe forms of disease are
inflammation [147, 149–151] and allergen- associated with chronic neutrophil accumulation
induced airway hyperresponsiveness [152]. in the airways [168]. During acute exacerbations,
These findings indicate that as an innate counter- neutrophils are also found in significant numbers
part to Th2 cells, ILC2s can significantly shape in the airways, suggesting their importance in air-
Th2-type immunity. flow obstruction [169]. Because of their apparent
importance in acute exacerbations and severe,
Eosinophils  are the major effector cells in aller- chronic disease, understanding the early and late
gic asthma, contributing to airway hyperrespon- mechanisms that drive their recruitment to the
siveness. As such, targeting and preventing these airways is an important future research
cells from migrating to the airways has been the direction.
focus for asthma therapeutics for some time
[153]. Epithelial cells infected with RSV produce Mast Cell  infiltration of the airways mucosal
eotaxin and RANTES, major chemoattractants tissue is considered a hallmark of asthma [170].
for eosinophils [154]. TSLP and IL-33 directly Mast cells express TSLP receptor and respond to
activate eosinophils, increasing their survival and TSLP by producing high levels of cytokines
inducing superoxide anion and CXCL8 produc- including IL-5, IL-6, IL-13, GM-CSF, CCL-1
tion [155]. IL-25 induces production of IL-6, and CXCL8 without degranulation [171]. IL-33
CCL2, CCL3, and CXCL8 in human eosinophils also stimulates mast cells to produce Th2 proin-
[156]. As a positive feedback, eosinophil-derived flammatory cytokines and chemokines and
cationic proteins can activate epithelial cells to enhances their maturation and survival [172,
produce growth factors, matrix metalloprotein- 173]. These new findings suggest that mast cells
ases (MMPs), and other factors involved in air- are a non-T-cell-dependent mechanism for initi-
way remodeling processes [157]. ating and maintaining Th2 inflammation in aller-
gic asthma. Histamine released within minutes
Neutrophils  are the earliest cells to migrate into from activated mast cells in turn can promote
damaged or infected tissues, usually recruited by proinflammatory responses and promote airway
CXCL8 and CXCL1–3, chemokines released smooth muscle constriction, impairing breathing
from residential cells at the site of inflammation [174]. Current research trends seek to understand
[158, 159]. Growth factors, including G-CSF and how T-cell-mast cell crosstalk is skewed towards
GM-CSF, are induced by allergens and IL-17 proinflammatory Th2 responses in allergic
[160, 161]. GM-CSF expression activates and asthma, while preventing mast cell activation is
promotes the survival of many inflammatory cell an appealing therapeutic target.
types and is enhanced in patients with allergic
rhinitis and asthma [162]. Granulocytes in turn Basophils  are activated by epithelial-derived
can also alter host defense functions. Neutrophil TSLP and IL-33, while IL-3 is critical for their
elastase can induce expression of CXCL8, development and activation [175]. Upon stimula-
mucins, and epithelial anti-microbial substances, tion with IL-33, basophils produce proinflamma-
such as secretory leukocyte peptidase inhibitor, tory cytokines including IL-1, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6,
and human β-defensin 2, providing a self-­ IL-8, IL-13, and GM-CSF and chemokines
amplifying defense mechanism [163, 164]. RANTES, CCL2, CCL3, and CCL4 [176]. IL-33
Neutrophil elastase also increased the biological and TSLP can also induce basophil expansion
Adaptive Immunity of Airway Inflammation in Asthma 67

and their differentiation from the bone marrow by recombination of the variable region (linked
[177–179]. Functionally, several reports pointed initially to the μ and δ heavy chain exons, encod-
toward an important role for basophils in provid- ing IgM and IgD, respectively) with one of the
ing an early source of polarizing IL-4 to enhance downstream constant region genes of the α, γ or ɛ
Th2 development [73]. In human patients that isotypes, encoding IgA, IgG and IgE. Each anti-
died from asthma, basophils were highly enriched body isotype initiates different downstream
in lung tissue [180]. Overall, the significance of immune reactions and thus adapts the response to
basophil-derived inflammatory mediators is the nature of the challenge faced. Together these
poorly understood. processes shape the antibody response, produc-
ing germinal center B cells with high-affinity,
Natural Killer T Cells  that express the IL-17RB class-­switched antibodies that can differentiate
(receptor for IL-25) and predominantly produce into either antibody-secreting plasma cells or
IL-13 and chemokines upon stimulation with long-­lived memory B cells [188, 189]. In addi-
IL-25 were implicated in AHR and airway tion to their key function in the production of
inflammation induced by airway administration immunoglobulins, B cells can regulate immune
of lipid antigens or bacterial glycolipids [181, responses through their surface molecules and
182]. Invariant NKT cell responses to ambient secretion of cytokines (reviewed in [190]).
antigens promote sensitization to conventional Regulatory B (Breg) cells produce IL-10, IL-35
respiratory allergens [183]. NKT cells acted as an and TGF-β. Breg cells in mice can be CD5(+)
adjuvant to enhance Th2-type inflammation and CD1d(hi) B10 cells, CD21(hi)CD23(hi)CD24(hi)
allergic airway inflammation in asthmatic mice transitional stage 2-like B cells, and CD138(+)
[184]. In nonhuman primates, α-galacto­syl­ plasma cells and plasmablasts. Human Breg cells
ceramide exposure (that directly activated NKT are CD27(+)CD24(high) B10 cells, CD24(hi)
cells) induced AHR in monkeys not sensitized to CD38(hi) immature transitional B cells, and
an allergen, suggesting that NKT cells impact CD73(−)CD25(+)CD71(+) BR1 cells and a sub-
lung function even in naïve animals [185]. Both set of plasma cells [190]. Breg cell numbers
increased and decreased numbers of NKT cells increase during the course of allergen-specific
have been observed in human patients with immunotherapy. Human BR1 cells selectively
asthma, so their pathogenic role in allergic upregulate IgG4 antibodies on differentiation to
asthma is still highly debated [186, 187]. plasma cells that promotes the protective effects
of immunotherapy. Thus, Breg cells mediate
B cells  B cells have been demonstrated to play a allergen tolerance.
critical role in allergic asthma, particularly when
the amount of allergen is low, by their ability to CD34+ Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor
uptake and present antigen on MHC II, similarly Cells  can also function as inflammatory effector
to dendritic cells. In the germinal center of the cells during the asthmatic response without hav-
lymph nodes, B cells undergo rapid clonal expan- ing to first undergo differentiation. The hemato-
sion (proliferation) and express the genome poietic progenitors express receptors for TSLP
mutator enzyme activation-induced cytidine and IL-33 and when stimulated with these mole-
deaminase (AID). AID is indispensable for two cules produce very high levels of Th2 cytokines
key GC processes, somatic hypermutation (SHM) including IL-5, IL-6, IL-13, and GM-CSF [191].
and class-switch recombination (CSR) [188].
SHM introduces non-templated mutations in the Epithelial Cells, Fibroblasts and Smooth
immunoglobulin (Ig) variable region, changing Muscle Cells  can all significantly shape the tis-
the antibody’s affinity for antigen [reviewed in sue response during the adaptive immune effec-
[189]]. CSR alters the antibody effector functions tor function. These structural cells respond to
68 C. H. Flayer et al.

environmental stimulants such as cigarette allergen, perpetuating the allergic response. Th2
smoke, lipopolysaccharide, and oxidant and virus cells express STAT6 and GATA3 [202].
infection, by rapid activation of proinflammatory IL-4, IL-6, and TGF-β in combination induce
signaling and induction of immune and inflam- Th9 cells, that produce IL-9 and are thought to
matory cell migration cascades [192, 193]. Th1 play a role in asthma and autoimmunity by induc-
cells are attracted to the respiratory mucosa by ing survival and proliferation of Th2-­ cytokine
the CXCR3 ligands CXCL9, CXCL10 and secreting ILC2s. The transcription factor Foxo1 is
CXCL11, produced upon exposure to interferons essential for IL-9 production [203].
or infection with respiratory viruses [194–196]. IL-21, IL-23, TGF-β and IL-6 induce Th17
On the other hand, structural cells of the airwayscells, that secrete IL-17A and IL-17F, attracting
induce epithelial migration of Th2 cells via pro- neutrophils that contribute to neutrophilic airway
duction of the CCR8 ligand CCL1 and the CCR4 inflammation and asthma [reviewed in [204]].
ligands CCL17 and CCL22 [197, 198]. Epithelial Many patients have been found to exhibit a dual
expression of CCL17 and levels of CCL17  in Th2/Th17 phenotype and are particularly
BAL indeed is increased upon allergen challenge refractory to current treatments. Th17 cells
of asthmatic subjects [199]. CCL1 production express STAT3 and RORs.
can be induced in airway epithelial cells by Th2 TNF-α and IL-6 induce Th22 cells, which
cytokines, IL-4 and IL-13, but also IFN-γ [200] secrete IL-22 and can be proinflammatory or
suggesting that epithelial cells may control and protective to the epithelium depending on the
amplify both Th1- and Th2-type inflammatory context [205]. Inflammation is mediated by
responses locally depending on the predominant induction of antimicrobial peptides from the
cytokine milieu. epithelium and TNF-α, IL-17, and IL-1 secretion.
Tissue protection is carried out by amphiregulin
production, strengthening the epithelial barrier.
4 Transcriptional Regulation IL-21 and IL-27 lead to differentiation of Tfh
of Th2 Cell Differentiation: cells, which play a critical role in the induction
and maintenance of B cell class-switching inside
After the cognate interaction between dendritic lymph node germinal centers. These cells are
cell MHC-II:CD4+ TCR (T cell receptor) responsible for the production of high-affinity,
signaling occurs, the prevailing cytokine milieu antigen-specific IgE by plasma B cells. They
determines the phenotypic fate of the naïve CD4+ express STAT3 and Bcl6 transcription factors.
T cell [201]. IL-12 secreted by dendritic cells IL-10 and TGF-β induce Treg cells, whose
induces activation of Th1 cells, which then role is to dampen inflammation once the antigen
produce TNF-α and IFN-γ. These cells are has been cleared. They also play a role in
specialized to help during viral or bacterial preventing autoimmunity. The typical Treg
clearance, but autoimmunity and inflammation transcription factor is FOXP3.
can occur if they become sensitized to self-­ Allergic airway inflammation is driven by pro-
antigens. High doses of allergen have been also duction of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13. A major pro-
shown to favor Th1 polarization. Th1 cells ducer of these cytokines is the differentiated
express the transcription factor Tbet. CD4+ T-helper 2 (Th2) cell. IL-4 is important in
IL-4 and IL-10 induce differentiation of Th2 allergic sensitization, IgE production and Th2
cells which then produce IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, cell differentiation while IL-5 is critical in
induce eosinophilia and B cell class-switching to accumulation of eosinophilic granulocytes and
IgE.  These Th2 cells are classically associated their activation in the lung. IL-13 has pleiotropic
with eosinophilic allergic asthma, and the IgE effects in tissue remodeling and the development
bound to the high-affinity IgE receptor of mast and progression of airway hyperresponsiveness.
cells causes degranulation upon contact with Th2 cytokines were, therefore, identified as
Adaptive Immunity of Airway Inflammation in Asthma 69

therapeutic targets with high hopes for the acting element that confers tissue-­specific high-
treatment of asthma [206]. Anti-Th2 cytokine level expression to linked genes [reviewed in
therapeutics, however, originally had poor results [208]]. To identify the Th2 cytokine LCR, inves-
[207], because these cytokines have numerous tigators deleted a conserved noncoding
overlapping functions. The fact, therefore, that sequence-1 (CNS-1) between the IL-4 and IL-13
the IL-4, IL-13 and IL-5 genes fall under similar genes and found that this reduced the ability to
transcriptional regulation [204, 205], especially produce IL-4 by Th2 cells but not mast cells
during allergic airway inflammation [208], is [216] in transgenic mice suggesting that CNS-1
therapeutically intriguing. The genes for IL-4, is not an LCR but rather an important T-cell
IL-13 and IL-5 are clustered in a 120 kb region specific enhancer. Another study demonstrated
on chromosome 11 in mice and a 160 kb region that none of the previously described DNase I
on chromosome 5  in humans and are activated hypersensitive sites or conserved sequences in
in  a T cell lineage-specific fashion. Their tran- the Th2 cytokine locus had LCR activity, either
scription is coordinately regulated by an intricate individually or in combination as a minilocus.
network of transcription factors and other regula- However, by evaluating copy number dependency
tors of the gene promoters that activate and/or in mice containing transgenes encoding the
repress them [reviewed in [208]]. This process whole Th2 cytokine locus, other investigators
results in characteristic chromatin structure recently found the LCR, located within a 25 kb
changes [209] in the Th2 cytokine locus that also region containing the 3′ portion of the RAD50
serves as a general model system of chromatin gene [217, 218]. The Rad50 gene separates the
conformation of immune genes [210]. Trans­ IL-4 and IL-13 genes from the IL-5 gene [219–
cription activators interact with the core tran- 221]. There are four sites within the Th2 LCR
scription machinery through binding to enhancers that are “DNase I hypersensitive”, [i.e. exposed
while repressors work by recruiting co-repressor chromatin, highly susceptible to binding by
complexes leading to chromatin condensation of proteins like DNase I or transcription factors
enhancer regions. Repressors and activators may [219]], implying their importance in transcription.
also function by competing with each other for The DNase I hypersensitive sites of the Rad50
occupation of shared DNA-­ binding sequences gene are RHS4, RHS5, RHS6, and RHS7 [220,
[211]. Whether a transcription factor is activated 222]. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that these
or not is determined by its localization and ability sites coordinate transcription of the Th2 cytokine
to bind DNA. The initiation, termination and reg- genes, although the importance of RHS4 has not
ulation of transcription are influenced by epigen- been fully established [213, 221, 223]. RHS6 is
etic and metabolic processes [212, 213] and thought to be the most important of the four sites
requires “DNA looping”, an important mechanism for Th2 cytokine transcription as it is essential for
to bring the promoters, enhancers, transcription the expression of each of the IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13
factors and RNA polymerases together [214]. genes [221]. RHS6 contains a number of sites for
The transcription factors that can induce sig- transcription factor binding, including two direct
nature cytokines for distinct effector CD4 T cell sites for GATA3 [224, 225]. While several
lineages and are both necessary and sufficient to transcription factors are implicated in the
elicit this process, are called “master regulators” regulation of the Th2 cytokine genes, GATA3 is
[212]. These bind to a specific region of DNA, the master regulator of Th2 cell differentiation
critical for transcription factor binding and com- and is essential for expression of IL-5 and IL-13,
plex formation that allows for efficient activation but not IL-4 [226]. Large protein complexes
of the Th2 cytokine genes [215]. These genes are formed at the RHS6 DNA subregion suggest that
expressed preferentially from one chromosome additional transcription factors may also
rather than at random, suggesting coordinated participate in Th2 cytokine gene activation [208,
expression. A locus control region (LCR) is a cis- 224, 225].
70 C. H. Flayer et al.

Such transcription factors are SATB1 and of vaccines has been among the greatest medical
IRF4, also found in all the isolated subregions of breakthroughs [233] aimed at preventing
RHS6. SATB1 regulates GATA3, coordinating infections, treating allergic and autoimmune
Th2 development [227]. IRF4 is required for Th2 diseases, organ transplantation pathologies,
cell differentiation, it binds the IL-4 promoter chronic infection and cancer [234, 235]. In AIT
and acts both upstream and downstream of vaccines (increasing doses of allergens) are
GATA3 [226]. In the absence of RHS6, GATA3, administered to restore immune tolerance and
IRF4, and SATB1 binding was reduced at all reduce allergic symptoms, once the cause(s) of
sites in the Th2 cytokine locus control region allergy are identified. The allergen can be given
[225]. Thus, RHS6 is a critical regulatory element intramuscularly, subcutaneously, sublingually,
for effective Th2 cytokine transcription, as orally, or intra-lymphatically. The doses of
suggested by others [221]. The role of RHS6 in allergen are increased as the patient’s tolerance
mediating Th2 cytokine transcription is conserved grows over time [236]. AIT has been used for
among cell types. Because RHS6 is located IgE-mediated allergic diseases since the early
between the IL-4/IL-13 and IL-5 genes, it is 1900s [234, 237–242], though it remains fraught
intriguing, that RHS6 can mediate the with problems [234, 237–242]. It is not easy to
transcription of up- and downstream targets. This produce a closely regulated composition for the
fact brings up the importance of the three-­ allergenic compounds and adjuvants, or to
dimensional structure of chromatin and suggests establish consensus in regards to the doses,
that regulatory elements throughout the genome intervals, and length of application. The danger
can have profound effects on genes both up- and of anaphylaxis occurring during administration
downstream. of AIT also remains high. When successful
Thus, GATA3, IRF4, and SATB1 physically however, AIT treats and prevents development of
complex at RHS6 in the Rad50 gene of the Th2 allergic asthma, rhinitis and venom-induced
cytokine locus, during allergic airway anaphylaxis and was demonstrated to prevent
inflammation. A number of genome-wide sensitization with new allergens for up to 12 years
association studies have revealed that single [234, 243]. Therefore, the quest to develop safer
nucleotide polymorphisms in the Rad50 gene are and more effective AIT continues today [244].
associated with asthma and allergy [228–230] but
the involvement of the RHS6 region remain Induction of allergen tolerance requires a
unclear in these. Interfering with the physicaldecrease in IgE and increase in allergen-specific
association of the GATA3, SATB1, and IRF4 IgG levels [245]. Successful allergen-specific
complex by targeting RHS6 maybe an attractive, immunotherapy can result in a 10- to 100-fold
novel therapeutic possibility to reduce Th2 reduction in the allergen-specific IgE/IgG4 ratio
cytokine production during chronic airway [190]. IgG4 is a non-proinflammatory
inflammation. immunoglobulin that is uniquely capable to form
bispecific and functionally monovalent antibodies
through Fab arm exchange [246]. IgG4 has low
5 Targeting T-cell Dependent affinity for activating Fcγ receptors and cannot
Inflammation in Asthma activate complement. Allergen-specific IgG4
protects against allergic responses by
Allergen-specific Immunotherapy (AIT)  T competitively sequestering the allergen from IgE
cells can be manipulated to induce or suppress binding [245, 247, 248]. By changing the ratio of
immune responses for example, with the use of allergen-specific IgE and IgG, effective AIT
vaccines (biological preparations of disease-­ should desensitize the high affinity IgE-receptor-
causing agents). When successful, such (FcεRI) bearing mast cells and basophils,
manipulation can elicit broad and specific decrease the numbers and activity of eosinophils
immune responses [231, 232]. The development and basophils in the circulation and mast cells in
Adaptive Immunity of Airway Inflammation in Asthma 71

mucosal allergic tissues, and induce regulatory T in a design targeting dendritic cell subsets,
and B cell activation [reviewed in [235]]. recombinant proteins with the vaccine epitope in
The heat-labile enterotoxigenic E. coli entero- question were fused to GM-CSF [256]. To
toxin (LT) contains an “A” and a pentameric “B” investigate alternate routes of administration,
subunit (AB5) and it has been successfully used allergen tolerance was recently induced after
for vaccination purposes. Skin-patch vaccines intra-lymph node injections of a molecular
containing LT have been recently tested in a large allergen translocation-Fel d 1 vaccine, mediated
clinical trial for travelers’ diarrhea. Although it by increased cellular internalization of the
did not prevent diarrhea, the skin patch vaccine allergen, activation of inflammasome, and
induced a strong IgG response in volunteers generation of allergen-specific peripheral T-cell
[249] indicating high immunogenicity. In addi- tolerance [257]. Adoptive transfer of antigen-­
tion to its proinflammatory and immunogenic specific T cells to allogeneic hematopoietic
properties, when co-administered with different transplant recipients is also being explored in
antigens, LT also markedly enhances the antigen- human studies and holds the promise of
specific immune response (against the co-admin- vaccinating against aspergillosis [233]. Other
istered antigens) indicating adjuvant effects potential future strategies employ microspheres
[reviewed in [250–252]]. However, neither the made of biodegradable polymers containing the
proinflammatory properties nor the high immu- epitope of the allergen in question, given to
nogenicity of this molecule can explain its maximize delivery to antigen presenting cells.
remarkable “adjuvanticity”. It is speculated that This method has a specific advantage in that it is
this effect is due to induction of MHC-class II designed to induce both B and T cell responses
expression on antigen presenting cells, cell clus- and lasting memory to certain immunodominant
tering and delay/arrest of T cell proliferation epitopes [258]. Epicutaneous patch AIT may be
[253]. Based on the literature showing that suitable for various allergens in patients. Patch
LT-treated dendritic cells had a slower rate of vaccination is an attractive needle-free alternative
antigen endocytosis, suggesting that prolonged to allergy shots (offering the possibility of self-­
retention of intact antigen on the cell surface may administration for patients) and it targets profes­
allow B cells to recognize the bound antigen by sional antigen-presenting cells (i.e., dendritic
their immunoglobulin receptors [254] emphasiz- cells, Langerhans cells) residing in the skin [259].
ing the importance of dendritic cells in mediating The fields of vaccine design and allergen
“adjuvanticity”. desensitization are constantly evolving. Recent
Acting as the crucial link, dendritic cell target- advancements in AIT mechanisms and use in
ing is a major vaccination strategy against many clinical practice were described in the practical
diverse pathogens. In the skin, these cells are the allergy (PRACTALL) initiative report that was
prime initial mediators of protection. As they endorsed by both the European Academy of
become activated upon exposure to allergen, they Allergy and Clinical Immunology and the
migrate to the draining lymph nodes (Fig.  1). American Academy of Allergy, Asthma &
This in turn activates the adaptive immune Immunology [234, 243]. AIT, especially in light
system, inducing a T cell cytokine profile that of the recent evidence of Sublingual Immu­
favors the production of large amounts of IgG notherapy (SLIT) tablet efficacy and safety in
antibodies by plasma cells that are able to block mite allergic asthma patients, is considered to be
allergy-causing IgE molecules specific for the a prototype of Precision Medicine [244]. In spite
same allergen [255]. In addition to the use of of all the advances made, however, safer and
novel adjuvants, current immunotherapy research more effective AIT strategies are still needed,
is focused on enhancing antigen-presenting cell especially for patients with asthma, atopic
function in several different ways. For example, dermatitis, or food allergy [234, 243].
72 C. H. Flayer et al.

Glucocorticoids  Despite continued advances in circulating immunoglobulin E, which in turn

the development of small molecule and biological impedes and reduces subsequent releases of the
anti-inflammatory therapeutics, monotherapy proinflammatory mediators [260]. Omalizumab
with corticosteroids remains the most effective inhibits the binding of IgE to FcεRI on mast cells
first-line treatment for asthma. Glucocorticoid and basophils by binding to an antigenic epitope
receptors in the cytoplasm bind to corticosteroids on IgE that overlaps with the site to which FcεRI
and translocate to the nucleus, where they act as binds. This is important because ordinary anti-­
transcription factors to induce the synthesis of IgE antibodies can cross-link cell surface FcεRI-­
anti-inflammatory proteins as well as to repress bound IgE and induce mast cell and basophil
proinflammatory transcription factors such as degranulation. Omalizumab, however, is steri-
NF-kB and AP-1. Because of the complex, cally prevented from crosslinking
heterogenic inflammatory pathophysiology that FcεRI.  Interestingly, Omalizumab also inhibits
underlies the syndrome of asthma, the broadly IgE binding to the low-affinity IgE receptor
distributed mechanism of action of glucocorti- (FcεRII), CD23 on B cells and many other cell
coids in downregulating inflammatory signaling types and attenuates IgE-mediated allergic
underlies their utility in clinical practice. responses. Even more intriguing that Omalizumab
However, the pleiotropic effects of corticosteroid has recently been found to be beneficial in non-­
therapy extend beyond general allergic diseases mediated by mast-cell degranu-
immunosuppression into regulation of central lation [261]. The mechanisms of this effect are
metabolism and development, and these often not well understood and are under intensive
adverse effects limit their therapeutic potential. investigation [260–262].
Many strategies have been employed to mitigate
the off-target effects of corticosteroids; drug Because of the prominence of eosinophilic
development has focused on creating inhaled granulocytes in the pathogenesis of asthma,
corticosteroid formulations with reduced monoclonal antibody blockade of IL-5 signaling
systemic availability and characterizing the was believed to have the most potential as a
differences in tissue-specific gene expression therapeutic due to the central role of IL-5 in the
induced by steroid analogs. However, a subset of initialization of eosinophilic airway inflammation.
asthma patients is either steroid-dependent or However, the early clinical trials of anti-IL-5 and
unresponsive to steroid treatment, due to acquired anti-IL-5Ra immunotherapies did not result in
or inherited conditions. significant reductions in clinical asthma
exacerbations. More recent clinical trials have
Biologicals  Glucocorticoid unresponsiveness met with better outcomes when patients were
bears significant therapeutic consequences and selected using biomarkers. Mepolizumab was
strongly motivated efforts to search for alterna- approved in 2015 for the treatment of severe
tive, better means to target T-cell dependent eosinophilic asthma. Results of major clinical
events in allergic airways inflammation. The par- trials in severe asthma (MENSA [263] and
adigm of Th2 polarization as being a central SIRIUS [264] on the effects of an anti-IL-5
driver of allergic inflammation in asthma has led monoclonal antibody, mepolizumab and ZONDA
to several attempts to develop targeted monoclo- on benralizumab [265–271]) indicated that
nal antibody immunotherapies against Th2 cyto- exacerbation rates as well as oral steroid intake
kine pathways. In 2003 for adults and in 2016 was reduced by 50–75% in severe asthmatic
also for children above 11 years of age, the FDA patients. These and other previously published
approved Omalizumab (Xolair; Genentech/ investigations [272, 273] shared important
Roche and Novartis), a non-anaphylactogenic clinical features: significant therapeutic effect
monoclonal antibody against IgE for the treat- was demonstrated only in patients who had
ment of asthma. Omalizumab is a humanized persistent symptoms and frequent exacerbations
monoclonal antibody that specifically targets the together with peripheral blood and sputum
Adaptive Immunity of Airway Inflammation in Asthma 73

eosinophilia despite high dose inhaled 6 Conclusions

corticosteroid treatment. Further characterization
of asthma patient subgroups benefitting from Clinical failures in drug treatment of allergic
biological treatment, however, is warranted by asthma greatly contributed to our understanding of
the high variability of the data obtained so far and the molecular and cellular players in the pathogen-
additional patient clustering results [274]. esis of this complex disease and drove the research
Importantly, some of the placebo-treated efforts that lead to recent advancements.
asthmatics in the trials showed a marked Recognition of the significance of airway inflam-
improvement in symptoms. Thus, not all patients mation was followed by discoveries of the impor-
need treatment with biologics. Given their high tance of T cells and adaptive immunity with the
cost, careful selection of patients who will best Th2-polarization hypothesis. The past decade of
benefit from this treatment is imperative. Future translational research has, however, largely chal-
studies need to provide a way to distinguish lenged the Th2-polarization hypothesis and impli-
patients with true glucocorticoid-resistant asthma cated a greater role for airway epithelial and innate
as candidates for treatment with biologics from immune cells in modulating the adaptive immune
those with adherence/compliance problems or response in asthma, than previously thought.
difficulties with correct inhaler technique, in We  now understand asthma to be a syndrome
whom conventional glucocorticoid-based therapy ­encompassing diverse etiologies. The continued
would otherwise work effectively. and rigorous characterization of the molecular
Other monoclonal antibodies, targeting differ- determinants and mediators; both intrinsic and
ent cytokines (IL-13, IL-4, IL-17 and TSLP) are extrinsic, that underpin the many endotypes of
still under evaluation, though the preliminary asthma will lead to the exploration of new drug-
results are encouraging. Tezepelumab for exam- gable targets in the proteome, genome, and
ple, was recently developed for blocking the epi- beyond. It is possible that therapeutics which tar-
thelial-cell-derived cytokine thymic stromal get pathways upstream of Th2 cells will have a
lymphopoietin (TSLP) [122, 275], in patients broad impact in the clinic and thus be more effec-
whose asthma remained uncontrolled despite tive than the treatments that directly target IL-4,
treatment with long-acting beta-agonists and IL-5, and IL-13. These studies are currently under-
medium-to-high doses of inhaled glucocorti- way. Other therapeutic strategies may seek to
coids. Indeed, among patients treated with long- impair the transcription factor complexes required
acting beta-agonists and medium-to-­high doses to synthesize the molecular products of the
of inhaled glucocorticoids, those who received immune cells that contribute to asthma or remodel
tezepelumab had lower rates of clinically signifi- the epigenetic architecture that programs inflam-
cant asthma exacerbations than those who matory signaling pathways. In the era of precision
received placebo, independent of baseline blood medicine, it seems likely that the most successful
eosinophil counts [35, 276–279]. Thus, targeting novel asthma therapeutics will seek not to treat all
inflammation upstream of adaptive immune asthmatics, but rather all asthmatics of an endo-
processes may be more effective in treating both type. The most effective drugs in practice will bal-
neutrophilic and eosinophilic asthma [276]. ance specificity with utility, targeting converging
Recent clinical trials for anti-IL-33 elements of asthma pathophysiology. Without the
immunotherapy that have been completed and extensive work of many laboratories around the
are awaiting publication, CNTO 7160 and AMG world to define the basic molecular pathways in
282. Immunotherapies targeting the alarmin asthma, the development of such therapeutics
cytokines are currently believed to be some of the would not be possible. The era of precision medi-
most promising drugs in development for asthma cine holds much promise for more effective asthma
treatment [280]. therapeutics.
74 C. H. Flayer et al.

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