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Submitted To: Prof (Dr) Jayesh P Aagja

Submitted By: Group 15

Name Batch Roll No.

Hitesh Prithiani MBA FT (2017-19) 171221
Ritesh Bengani MBA FT (2017-19) 171144
Sakar Potdar MBA FT (2017-19) 171451
Naishal Shah MBA FT (2017-19) 171334
Karan Radia DPM 183105

Date of Submission: 27th June 2018

Section: B
Brief Introduction:

The case talks about the story of Microsoft Inc since 1986 when it launched its first
independently developed operation system Windows 1.0 to the launch of its very well
known Windows 7 in 2009. The case also broadly highlights Windows’s most aspired
product Vista and its life cycle, how they faced various problems and challenges and
how they were able to tackle them with various marketing strategies and product

Concerns to be addressed:

1. Techlogical Concerns

-The vista product was not technologically sufficient to fulfill the aspirations of
predecessor software.
-Not even able to run its most headlined feature Vista Aero.
-Basic file operations was slower than usual and required higher RAM required.
-Battery decllined faster and lag was noticed for frame rate by video gamers.
-Majority PC hardware and software not compatible with Vista when released.

2. Competition faced from peers

-Facing competition from Apple and Google. Apple’s user friendly interface and high
quality. Microsoft office faced competition from google docs.

3. Pricing Concerns

-Different prices for two versions for purchasing new pc and upgrading respectively.
Prices differed globally.
-Two different classes. Vista capcable and Vista premium. Had 6 different editions for
home and business which made the customer spoilt for choice.

4. Lack of creating Need of Change

-Consumers did not find reason to upgrade as this didn’t change their motive to shift
from their actual to desired state as they were comfortable with the previous Windows

Alternatives to Address Concerns

1. To address the Technological concerns, the company could have invested more
funds in the R&D for newer faster technology that could make the Vista more
simpler and easily adoptable.
2. To address the Competion issue, the company could have marketed the Vista not
only its proposed merits and newer technology but also on the emotion and
passion quotient for its existing customer so to maintain its market share.
3. To address the Pricing issue, the company could have adopted the lower
penetration pricing strategy as to comliement its not so good technology for
Vista product.
4. To address the Igniting the Change issue, the company could have done
appropriate market research to develop the inquire the GAP faced by the
customers and then to create an appropriate product.

Selection of one alternative to address the problem

The one alternative which is essential to address the problem is to do required Market
Research to find the GAP so that the new product which is developed is willingly
accepted by New as well as existing customers.
The technology should be upto date so to be competitive in the market and also to
maintain its own market share and credability.

Implications of the alternative selected

The implication for this alternative selected would generate positive effects for the
company by which the company can keep its customer base satisfied by also mainting
its brand Microsoft. Effective R&D for technology will also keep the company ahead of
its rivals and satisfy the needs for them.

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