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Powered by Andrew Choo 2018 SPM PHYSICS PRE-EXAM TIPS ELL \portant Units for 2018 SPM CHAPTER 1 | 1. Vernier caliper Basic reading 3 types of reading iJexternal caliper = to measure external diameter internal caliper = to measure internal diameter i)depth probe = to measure depth 2. Micrometer screw gauge 3. Pendulum oscillation CHAPTER 2 | 7. Forces in equilibrium i) Newton First Law ) Zero acceleration i) Zero resultant force 2. force is directly proportional to mass 3. Hooke's law Factors affecting spring constant CHAPTER 3 | 1. Pascal principle for a hydraulic system i) Relationship between force, surface area and distance traveled by the piston - Force is directly proportional to the surface area - Surface area is inversely proportional to the distance traveled by the piston - Force is inversely proportional to the distance traveled by the piston ii) Why water is not suitable to become the fluid in the hydraulic system? ~ Water is containing air particles = Water has a low boiling point EXTRA -- Water has a high expansion rate / Water has low fluidity 2. Mercury barometer 3. Archimedes's principle CHAPTER 4 |7. Heating curve i) Calculation 2. Specific heat capacity 3. Boyle's law 4, Pressure law Powered by Andrew Choo CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 1 1. Total internal reflection 2. Convex lens i) Calculation ii) Ray diagram 3. Snell's law Important Units for 2018 SPM 1. Light / sound waves -- Young Double Sits i) Definition for coherent i) Nzax/D 2. Sound wave diffraction 3. Telecommunication 4, Electromagnetic wave CHAPTER 2 1. Series & Parallel circuit 2.V=IR 3. Ohm's Law - Factors which affect the resistance 4, Electromotive force CHAPTER 3 1. DC motor dan dynamo 2. Speaker 3.Transformer = Ratio between primary and secondary coil - To see and differential step-up or step-down transformer - Calculation 4. Factors affecting efficiency of transformer 5. Strength of electromagnet due to number of coils 6. Electromotive force (EMF) 7. Electromagnetism (Experiment) CHAPTER 4 7. PN junction . Logic gates CRO EP CHAPTER 5 1. Half-life calculation 2. Alpha decay 3. Cloud chamber

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