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On the Fool's garmentsareten wheels,eachhaving eight spokes. The samearangement

appearsin the oentetof the wheel on l(ey 10, on the starsof Key 17, andis the basis of the
dispositionof the sun's rays on I(ey 19. This arrangementof four lines so as to form eight
anglesof 45 degreesis an importantclue to the right useof Tarot.

If we imagine sucha double crossas being drawn on a table,and then place eight Tarot I(eys
at the extremitiesof the lines, and a ninth Key at the center,we shall fbrm a combinationof
syrnbolswhich haspower to bring out meaningsof the I(eys which would not be so evident
were the picturesto be consideredseparately.

Wren we do this, we do not selectour Keys haphazard.A definite mathematicalprinciple is

of nine picturesexpressesa ceftainnumericalorder. The
involved, so that every alTangement
total number of suchcombinationsis 112. At the end of this course,you will be given a table
showing them all. Until then,you will work with a singlegroup of nine Keys in each lesson.

Twenty-two combinationshavebeenchosenfor your preliminary studies. They have been

selectedwith an eye to the underlyingintentionof this courseof lessons.

The main purposeof TAROT INTERPRETATION is to enableyou to experiencethat

transformingchangeof consciousness which will awakenyou to arealizationof things as they
are. Thus we have selectedfor your study and practicethosegroupsof Keys which are best
adaptedto bring aboutthis result.

We shall beein with this combination:

0 2
J 4 5

6 7 8

Yon will seethat lines drawn throughthe centralnumber,4, from 0 to 8, 7 to 7,2 to 6 and 3 to
5 will make the doublecrossrnentionedin the first paragraphof this lesson. the


mlmbersof the I(eys at the endsof the lines will alwaysadd to 8, and the centralI(ey, 4, will
be the rneanarithmeticalterm betweenthe membersof eachcomplementarypaft.

From a consiclerationof this little tableauit thereforebecomesevidentthat the Emperor

representsthe agencythrough which the hidden force symbolizedby the Fool is manifestedas
the control of the animal naturetypified by Strength. He standsalso for the meanswhereby
the self-consciousness representedby the Magician is broughtto the stateof perfectmastery
pictured by the Chariot.

I{e is likewise a symbol of that function of humanlife wherebymemory is utilized to establish

the balanceof consciousness and subconsciousness. T'hisis one of the indicationsof 4,
consideredas the meanterrn between2 and6. the numbersof the l-Iish Priestessand the

Finally, we may think of the Emperoras being the agencywherebythe creativeimagination

representedby the Empresstakesfbrm as the intuitive perceptionof truth symbolizedby the

You have alreadylearnedthat Sight is the function typified by the Emperor. This appliesto
mental as well as to pl-rysicalvision. It is associatedwith the ConstitutingIntelligence
becauseAgelessWisdom teachesus that the power which makes,framesand composesthe
andregr-rlal-es all its actirrities.
is apotverofthe Oneldentity.analogous tc yision.
The Life-powerseesthe universeinto existence.Its vision is perfect.and when we seeas it
sees,we ourselvesbeholda perfectcreation.

Nor is this melely a metaphysicalperception. He who, hereon earth,seeseye to eye with the
CreativeMind, sharesthat Mind's power to control the forcesof natureas they manifest
themselveson the physicalplane. This is the secretof the worlcsof power which characterize
the lives of seersand sases.

Perfectmental vision is perfectreason. The brain of man is an instrumentperfectedby the

Life-power for the expressionof that vision. Thus the sign Aries, governingthe headof man,
is associatedwith the Ernperor. Through the clearvision formulatedin man's brain, the
hidden folce symbolizedby the Fool is transferredto the region occultly termedthe heart,
ruled by Leo, the sign corresponding to Key 8.

(a) are established,to that degreewill the

To the degreethat order and right ffreasurement
limitless energyof the Life-power (0) be expressedin the perfectrhythm of all the
subconsciousactivitiesof personallife. When suchrhythms are established,the result is
mastely,representedby l(ey 8.

Right watchfulness,or conoentration,is picturedby l(ey l. This is indispensableto personal

exerciseof true vision. lbllies o1'thescholasticera demonstratehow barrenreasoncan be

T A } I O 7 ' I N T E ] ? P R E T A 7 'I O N . . IO

unlessit be fed by actualexperience. see,we must look. No clear mental vision can be
arrived at by thosewho contentthemselveswith superficialobservation.The characters
inscribedon the Book of Nature are plain enough,but we must learnto readthem before we
can understandwhat they have to say.

Thus, when we considerthe Ernperoras being the connectinglink betweenthe Magician and
tlie Chariot, we are remindedthat vivid awarenessof what is actually going on, moment by
moment, is a prime characteristicof all mastersof life.

This is what fills their speechand writing with vivid imagery. They seethe perfect law at
work in the most lamiliar things. They seeit hereand now. Thus they teachby meansof
parables,for they know that the meaningof existenceis to be found in the eventsof every
clay,that the greatsecretsare hidden in plain sight, that the laws of life are exemplified
continuallyin the aftairsof men.

When we seethis as they seeit, when we sharetheir vision, we perceivethat this moment is
the moment of peaceand victory picturedby the Chariot. We seethat in very truth NOW is
the acceptabletime. Then it will be evidentto us that the words of THE PATTERN are true
when it says,"Mine is the victorious life."

Memory also entersinto the Divine Wisdom. The Life-power's recordof pastexperiencesis
coiriplete. l.loi.hiiigescapesit, .riid tlrlougli tiic Unitirig ilteiiigencc synrboiizeiiby iiey 2,
every personalcenterof the Life-power is indissolublylinked to the Mind which never
forgets. Our personalmemoriesare but words and sentencesof the cosmic memory record.
Yet, sincethey are part of that record,they are also relatedto, and associatedwith, the whole
story written on the scroll of the High Priestess.

As we persistin right watchfulness,so that we attendto the infinitely rich and varied
experiencewhich comesto us moment by moment,our personalmemory recordbecomes
clear,and subconsciousprocessesof associationlink it up with cosmic records. Thus we
begin to seethings in their true relationships,and we estimateevery experienceat its proper

It is not long befbrethis resultsin the harmonizationand co-oldinationof our

subconsciousness with or.rrconsciousawareness.Thus,by mental vision of the rneaningof
pastevents,we colne to understandthe interactionof self-consciousactivitieswith
subconsciouslife, and the relation of both to superconsciousness,shown by Key 6.

Then rve begin to enjoy the beneficentresultsof creativeimaginationas picturedby the

Empress,for when we reasoncorrectly,subconsciousness is impregnatedwith our right
estitnatesof the meauingof experience.Our day-to-dayobservationsof life thus becomethe
seedsof intuition and revelation.

I ts0300

Intuition seemsto come to us from a sourceoutsideourselves,and so it does,in a way. But

uutil we have learnedto set our mentalhousein order,rve cannotput ourselvesin a proper
position to hear what the Ilierophant hasto tell us. Today's intuitions are the fruit of

The Inner Voice is really the voice of the Emperorwho assumesthe office of the Ilierophant
when occasionarises. Hierophantand Emperorare not two, but one. The Emperoris the
Divine Reasontaking the measureof the outer world of time and space. T'heHierophantis
thzrtsameDivine Reasonconveyingto us the eternalsignificancebehind theseouter

Psychologically,intuition is the subconsciousprocessof deductionappliedto the elaboration

of the meaningof our consciousestimatesof experience.Thus true intuition is a consequence
of riglrt reasoning,and they who are too carelessto watch, and too lazy to reason,never hear
the Inner Voice.

Now look at your combinationof I(eys again. This time you will notice that in addition to the
Ibr-rrpairs of cardsrelatedto the centralKey there are alsotwo other groups---0,I, ) and6, 7,
8-which have the peculiaritythat the middle card is the meanarithmeticalterm betweenthe
other two.

0. !.2: 0.4,8;
7,4,7; 2 . 4 , 6 ; 3 , 4 , 5 ; 6 , 7 , 8 . D u r i n g t h e n e x t s i x d a y s , c o n c l u deyourmorningpractice
by readingthe meditationgiven for that day's combinationof threeKeys, and during the
entire day lceepin mind the statementwhich is underlinedat the end of the meditation. Begin
your rroming practice,liom now on, by looking for five minutesat the week's group of Keys.
recite TI-IE PATTERN. Alter this, write whateversuggestsitself for your occult diary.
Finish the practiceperiod by readingaloudthe meditationfor the day. Copy the underlined
sentence,and repeatit many times during the day.


FIRST DAY: Keys 0, 1,2. The boundlessenergyof the Lif'e-por,ver fills my whole being.I
concentrateits light-giving power by closeattentionto this day's experiences.Thus I engrave
a clear,sharprecord of this day upon the tabletsof my memory. The Life-Breath works
freely through me to invigorate and perfect my whole field of personal expression.

SECOND DAY: Keys 0, 4, 8. The vision of my heart'sdesireis a gift of the Spirit,a true
perceptionof what now is really mine. perfectorderwhich rules all things is even now
adaptingsuitableconditionsfor the perf-ectr-nanif'estationof this vision. mighty forcesof
my subconsciouslife are being co-ordinatedfor this manifbstation.Life Limitless shows me
my goal, sets my affairs in order, fills me with abundant strength.

TI'IIRD DAY: I(eys I , 4,7 . All my sensesare alert to catchevery intimation of the perfect
orclerbehind the veil of appearances.The Divine Reasonenlightensmy mind; for rny
personality,evennow, is a vehiclefor the One Powerruling all things. I am a living witness
of the perl'ectorder which establishespeaceand victory throughout creation.

FOURTH DAY: I(eys 2, 4,6. EverythingI rememberis a recordof the working of the
PerfectLaw. Every eventin my life hasits properplace in the perfectorder of the
Life-power's selfiexpression.The healingpresenceof the One Reality harmonizesmy
personalactivities,consciousand subconscious,and establishesbalanceamongthem. Linked
subconsciouslywith every phaseof the One Being, I am truly one with the Power which
establishesall things and share its knowledgeof right relations.

FIFTH DAY: Keys 3, 4, 5. TodayI reapthe harvestof yesterday'sclearvision,and plant the

seedsof tomorrow'srealization.TodayI seeeyeto eyewith God. Today I listento the lnner
Voice, and give heedto its instructions.Filled with understanding of the Perfect Law, I
am guided, moment by moment, along the path of liberation.

SIXTH DAY: Keys 6, 7, 8. Consciouslyand subconsciously,I reahzethe overshadowing

presenceof the One Identity. My personalexistenceis the field of the Life-power's perfect
manif-estation. secretforce which pervadesthe universeis my unfailing sourceof power.
Flarmony, peaceand power are mine this day.

B e c a u s e o n l y s i x m e d i t a t i o n s a r e r e q u i r e d f o r a w e e k ' s w o r k , t h e t w o v e r t i c a l gAr,o3l,r6p s ,
ancl2,5, 8 are intentionally omitted from the exercises.Try writing a meditationfbr eachof
them for your diary.

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