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The Value of Biliteracy in the 21st Century

by Ana Rejas-Cantu

Insert sound and present and image of parent engaged in a conversation with a teacher

Should I leave my child in bilingual education? This is a question that, as an educator of young

Spanish speaking students, get asked often.

Present 1 image of short research based statement regarding the value of bilingual education

Research studies corroborate that bilingual education offers children a chance to become

bilingual while gaining social and cognitive benefits without giving up their cultural identities. In

our nation, it is many immigrant families’ fear that by preserving their native language, their

children will not master learning English. This thinking drives them to opt out of a bilingual

education experience.

Present a picture collage of myself at different ages

As an immigrant and English language learner myself, being biliterate upon my arrival in

America was a huge advantage that helped me open doors to a variety of opportunities for

growth. But it wasn’t always that way as I once did not master any language other than my

primary one. Nonetheless, having proficiency in my primary language strongly supported the

development of the second language acquisition and this is what lessened the struggles in my

journey to become a competent bilingual citizen.

The process to become biliterate is not an easy one as it requires dedication, grit, patience and

support from families, but is one battle very much worth the fight

Present image of infographic: Biliteracy in the 21st Century

Linguistic gains in the first language DO and WILL transfer to the second language. The

content acquired through the primary language DOES become a strong base which supports

academic development in the second language.

Present image of infographic: 5 Benefits Raising a Bilingual Child

With these facts, I can firmly answer the introdUctory question with: Yes,you should leave your

child in bilingual education. Bilingual education is an asset and the greatest gift WE can all give

our children in this 21st century.

Insert References

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