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The strategies and tactics he use in this showdown become the Foundations of masterwork The art of

war. There are 13 chapters in the art of war lies the secret to success.The art of war is filled with many
important insights but there are 3 key principles that stand out and unifies Sun tzus Philosophy. “ Know
your enemy and know yourself and in 100 battles you will never be in peril. In the art of war
,understanding your opponent is crucial to victory. Sun tzu says to win 100 battles is not the height of
skill, to subdue the enemy without fighting is. Fighting causes lives and money . sun tzu prices the
general who can outwin instead of outfight his opponent. Avoid what is strong attack what is
weak.throughout history armies fight head to head on a battlefield to show real strength and courage
but sun tzu doesn’t care about Glory.. he only wants to win.

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