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Leadership 9 Mid- Semester Reflection

As the semester has progressed you are well on your way to becoming a great leader! An important
part of leadership is using self reflection to guide future growth. ​Your assignment for today is to
take some time to yourself to relax and reflect by answering the questions below, each with
5-8 sentences.​​ Be sure to give specific examples in order to strengthen your response and really
reflect on how you have developed as a leader thus far during the semester!

1. What leadership quality do you believe you have developed from working on your club
creation assignment? Be sure to explain how you have developed this quality by giving
specific examples.

2. What qualities do you already have that make you a good leader? Explain why.

3. Give an example of a time where you have been a positive leader.

4. What leadership quality do you want to develop or strengthen going forward this semester?
Why did you choose this quality to work on? What actions do you plan on taking to help
develop the quality you chose?

5. How has your perspective of leadership changed from the beginning of the semester to
now? How should we spend the rest of our time in Leadership?

Well Developed -4 Competent -3 Emerging -2 Underdeveloped -1

Reflection Student provides Student provides Student provides Student provides

Content fully developed and thoughtful and partial or limited underdeveloped or
insightful answers to adequate answers answers to the no answers to the
Communicates the reflection to the reflection reflection reflection questions
questions by giving questions by giving questions by by giving limited or no
and demonstrates
many specific some specific giving few specific specific examples.
knowledge and examples. examples. examples.
skills in response
to challenges

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