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Non-Market Strategy


In today’s world, it has become highly necessary for companies to focus their energies on shaping
the environment that they are in.

Creating Non-Market Strategies – The (IA)^3 framework

1.ISSUE: What is the issue ? Identifying this will depend on the strategy that the company goes
forward with. The management should not just recognize threats but also issues whose favourable
resolution will greatly help the company.

2. ACTORS: The parties which are interested in the issue and how organized they are ? Also,
remember that organized parties are more powerful. Also, identify the various conflicts among the
parties concerned.

3. INTERESTS: Identify what are the interests of each individual actor in the issue. This will help us to
identify our adversaries and allies.

4. ARENA: Know in which arena your actors are playing on the issue – courtrooms or public or media

5. INFORMATION: What is the info that will help me move this issue in the arena ?

6. ASSETS: What assets will I need to prevail in this arena ? ex- company reputation or knowledge of
procedures of a parliamentary committee.

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