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Comparison table of words derived from three roots in modern

West Germanic languages

The relation of modern West Germanic languages to each other shows some closely related
word-forms, as descended from the Proto-Germanic roots within the three main West
Germanic languages:

 English,
 Dutch, and

 High German
Note: the Proto-Germanic roots given here are simplifications of three sets of related roots that were similar in form
English Dutch German
From *Se/*þe From *Hwa From *He From *Se/*þe From *Hwa From *He From *Se/*þe From *Hwa From *He
Masc. the who he de wie hij, ie der wer er
Neuter that what it dat wat het das was es
Fem. she (who) ME/Dial hoo zij, ze (wie) sie, die (wer)
Plural they (who) zij, ze (wie) sie, die (wer)
Demonstrative this dit, deze dies-
Adverbial/Nominal so, thus while zo, dus wijl so Weile
Relative such which each zulk welke elk solch- welch- MHG elch-
Dual whether weder
Description English Dutch German
Masc./Neuter whom him wien (obsolete) hem dem wem ihm
Dative Fem. (whom) her (wie) haar der (wem) ihr
Plural them (whom) 'em (wie) hen/hun den (wem) ihnen
Masc./Neut. whose his diens wiens des(sen) wessen
Fem./Plural their her dier wier haar der(en) ihr-
Locative there where here daar waar hier da, dar- wo, war- hier
Allative thither whither hither der wer(waarts) her hin wohin her
Ablative thence whence hence (van) daan (von) dannenwoher
Instrumental why, how hoe wie
I then when dan wanneer dann wann
Temporal/ Conjunctive
II than (when) (dan) (wanneer) denn wenn
From *Se/*þe From *Hwa From *He From *Se/*þe From *Hwa From *He From *Se/*þe From *Hwa From *He
English Dutch German
ME = Middle English
Dial = West Midland English
MHG=Middle High German

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