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C Programming Questions

1. Write a C Program to convert temperature values from Fahrenheit to degree

Hint c=(f-32.0)/1.8
2. Write a C Program that reads an integer and checks whether it is odd or
3. Write a C Program to print whether a given number is positive, negative or
4. Write a C Program that can read three integers from the user and the
determine the smallest value among the three integers.
5. Write a C Program to find the area of a circle, given the radius.
Hint area=PI*radius*radius
6. Write a C Program to read the marks, calculate the percentage and display
the result.
7. Write a C Program to determine the area of a triangle.
8. Write a C Program to determine the largest of three numbers a,b,c.
9. Write a C Program to find the average of the two largest numbers of the
three entered numbers a,b,c.
10.Write a C Program to find whether the given year is leap or not.
11.Write a C Program to find whether the given character is a vowel or a
12.Write a C Program that reads an integer and checks whether it is odd or
13.Write a C Program for swapping of two numbers.
14.Write a C Program to find the largest of n numbers in C.
15.Write a C Program to split a number into digits in C Programming.
16.Write a C Program to count then number of digits in a number.

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