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The mise en scene of Thor arriving in 

Thor arrives in wakanda video 
● Setting: The setting is in Wakanda where the final battle of infinity 
war is taking place  
● The Props: The props in in this picture are Thor’s “axe”, the gun in 
Rockets hands, the Hulk Buster armor in the background, Captin 
America’s new sheild, Black Panther’s armor and the Wakanda 
army’s weapons 
● Colours: The colours in this video are bright, mirky, dark and 
vibrant. You have the electric in thor’s armor plates and his “axe” 
(Stormbreaker is a hammer in the comics) Stormbreaker. You have 
his cape which is blood red. You have his armor which is a mixture 
of grey, brown and silver. You have the background which is blue, 
green and white. You have the wakanda army which is a mixture of 
blue, brown,silver and gold . You have the hulkbuster armor which 
is the classic iron man red and gold. You have Captin America 
which is blue and black. Finally you have Black Panther which is 
black, silver and purple   
● The Lighting: The lighting is bright as it is the middle of the day 
and shines down on Thor when he arrives. It’s symbolising that 
Thor is the “saviour” and that he’s here to help the good guys win 
● Body & Facial expressions: The body language of everybody is 
tense, focused, angry and sore before Thor arrived because they 
were getting beaten by the army of Thanos and the enemy before 
Thor arrived was layed back and relaxed because they thought that 
they were going to beat them. After Thor arrived the good guys 
were happy let there guard down because they all thought that 
Thor wan’t going to show up in time. Thor ‘s different because he’s 
entirely focused on drawing thanos out at getting vengence for the 
asgardians and the loss of his brother loki. So it’s safe to say that 
he’s quite mad and you could tell this by his body being tense and 
his face being contorted into a scowl. 
The mise en scene of Thor arriving in 
● Costume: the costume variety in this is wide. You have Black 
Panther’s suit, Captin America’s Suit, The Hulk Buster armor, 
Thor’s armor, Natasha Romanhoff ‘s outfit, Rocket’s armor and the 
Enemies armor   

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