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NIM : 21154439A

The first time I saw singapore I think this country is so beautiful place.. Singapore is a

country that is very clean, airy and tidy. The first day in singapore I and the group

immediately went to Nanyang Tecnology University. NTU is a proof that the state of

education in singapore is very advanced, with facilities and advantages that exist and make

the best university in Asia.

What makes it unique is singapore different people with different ethnicities, namely Malay,

china and india. Making singapore has a lot of the language used in communicating.

Although varying singapore live with harmony and peace between the members of society.

For food in singapore country, very different from those in Indonesia. There are a variety of

food in singapore from Briyani, chiken rice, laksa until Kway Teow. The food in singapore is

provided in large portions.

For transport in singapore, mostly using public transport and car. For motorcycle is not

much. What I'm amazed, ships in singapore batrai employ as fuel. So that the sea contained

in singapore is not contaminated by waste of fuel.

Singapore is a small country, although a small territory, singapore is a developed country

with all that exists in this country.

I am very happy to be able to visit singapore, hopefully someday I have another chance to

visit this beautiful country.

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