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Chani Thorum

HLAC 1096
SMART Goal Revision

The beginning of the semester my Cardiorespiratory Endurance Goal was: I would like to be able to do
30 minutes on a treadmill without stopping by the end of the semester.

Specific Objectives were:

Start with running 2 times a week
Be able to work up to a 5K
Increase endurance to 3-4 times a week to work up to 30 minutes each workout.


Specific: To be able to run for 30 minutes without stopping

Measurable: Will run at least 3 times a week. Will measure my heart rate/use the 1.5 miles run test to
measure v02 after every 2 weeks.

Attainable: Will be able to jog/run the Santa Dash 3.1 miles without stopping.

Realistic: Will be able to jog/run in the Santa Dash, 3.1 miles without stopping.

Timely: By Dec 1st will be able to run about 30 min without stopping (3.1 miles) in the Santa Dash. Short
term, I will have ran for 3 miles for a total time of about 48-50 min.

Goal Revision Process Reflection

For my original Cardiorespiratory Endurance Goal I wasn’t very specific and I hadn’t used the
SMART model for that goal until it’s revision. When we first learned of the SMART model, it was hard for
me to mold and use for some specific goals such as running because I feel like the Attainable and
Realistic were very similar and am still not sure what would differentiate between the two. Using it for
the muscle portion of our SMART goals was a bit easier. As for the Attainable with the muscle portion, I
wanted to work up to doing 30 pushups in a row and my Realistic was to incorporate assisted pushups
into my routine to make the 30 pushups possible.

Working towards that goal wasn’t easy and I still can’t run a full 30 min without a break, but I
have much better endurance now and can run a faster mile than before. Carido is probably what I’m
worst at; I found it difficult to work towards this goal but setting the SMART goal for it helped break it
down to more manageable portions.

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