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a at 8.553. CD’s Missa Virginis Mariae NAXOS MERULO: Mark’s in Vi 8.553335-6 STEREO Regarded by many as the greatest organist of his time, Claudio Merulo was employed at St. ice for some thirty years. He is represented here by one of his famous Ch MERULO (1833 - 1604) Missa Virginis Mariae Toccata decima del 10° tono Magnificat dell’ottavo tono Frédéric Mufioz, Organ Toceatas, a Magnificat anda Mass setting in which organ alternates with traditional chant, DDD Playing Time: 87°32” Schola of the Benedictine Abbey of Santa Cruz in the Valle de los Caidos, Madrid Laurentino Saenz de Buruaga, O. 8. B. cD 1 CD 2 (1) Toccata decima del 10° tono (13:37) Missa Virginis Mariae (cont.) (1604) (1) Credo Angelorum (10:27) Missa Virginis Mariae (1568) (2) Sanctus (11:19) (2) Kyrie (9:14) 3) Agnus Dei (8:52) Gloria (25:21) [4] Magnificat dell’ottavo tono (8:41) Recordedon the Spinola Sals Organ atthe Church of Piedicrce, Corsica. France, from 2nd to Ath January andin Madd on SrdMarch 1995, no Producer: Alfred Ebner 9 Sims ee Bo | | MusieNoes:AltredEbner lsh Transation: Keith Anderson) Phot: Sina athe Church of Pe A AL ‘O1TNNAN = SOXVN IUIB.ITA BSSITAL & = = 8 O-SEEESS'S

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