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1 Examination by palpation is made:

a bimanually and comparative

b the right index applied in the external auditory meatus
c the thumb pplied in the external auditory meatus
d the right index applied before tragus
e the right thumb applied before tragus
Answers a b e

2 The main principles of odtongenic infection treamtment is:

a determining the severity of infection
b treating the infections only by administrating antibiotics
c treat the infection sugigically
d support the patient medically
e choose and prescribe the appropriate antibiotics
Answers: a c d e

3 Malignant tumors of the oral cavity

a most arise from the oral mucosa
b can arise from tissue like muscles, salivary glands and bones
c only from teeth
d are treated only by surgery
e surgery/radiotherapy or/chemotherapy
Answers: a b e

4 Treatment of maxilo traumatised patients are:

a taking care of vital functions
b closing the large wounds before reducing and immobilising the jaw fractures
c closing the large wounds after reducing and immobilising the jaw fractures
d performing the temporary immobilising of teh jaw fracture
e cleaning the wounds and then performing surgical
Answers: a c d

5 treatment of facial imbrasion involves:

a saline and anticeptic solution
b incision and drainage
c excision of foreign bodies
d suture with resorbable materials
Answer: a c
6 The problem of cleft afflicted individuals are:
a dental problems
b visual problems
c feeding problems
d associated problems
e ??? problems
Answer: a c d e

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