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Lesly Pineda

Civic engagement project


Identity, Privilege inequality: SNAP

For our group project, we chose the identity, privilege, inequality theme. I personally didn’t care
or have a preference to which group/theme we got, but another group member brought u the idea
the if we chose this we could to this for the activity and that it would be easier to come up with
another activity ideas if we had to so we chose the identity theme.

The event we participated in was the SNAP Halloween party; at the party, we danced talked and
just hung out with the people attending. We were originally support to work with Junior
Achievement of Utah, but that did not work out. Someone in the group brought up that they were
going to be doing some volunteer work for SNAP and that she would probably could get the ok
for our group to volunteer as well. We got the ok to volunteer at the SNAP Halloween party.

What social issue do I feel that I addressed, for myself I feel I addressed the disability aspect of
identity/Inequality. In the PowerPoint we presented in class there was a statement when we
asked people “if they could would they get rid of their disability?” they mainly said they would
not. “If I got rid of my disability my life would be drastically different and I love my life, I love
my friends and I may not have met them if I didn't have my disability”- Shelly.

Did you feel like your participation was meaningful? At the beginning no, I did not feel my
participation was meaningful or impacting in any way. However, after reading the message from
the administration over SNAP all that changed. From the people who attended the Halloween
party they said that they enjoyed our group attending the party. “Wow, I never thought that the
cool kids would be at the Halloween party that I am at.”

I am by no means cool, but it made me happy that they were happy.

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