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Crack the Certification

1. Which of the following is used to test JMS services?
°° a) W3G
°° b) Open JMS
°° c) Hermes JMS
°° d) JMS

2. Which protocol is not supported in SoapUI?

°° a) SOAP
°° b) XML
°° c) JSON
°° d) Swift

3. If SOAP is to WSDL then REST is to:

°° a) DTD
°° b) XSD
°° c) XML
°° d) WADL

4. SoapUI can integrate with Selenium. Is this:

°° a) True
°° b) False

Crack the Certification

5. SoapUI can perform interoperability testing. Is this:

°° a) True
°° b) False

6. SoapUI can be extended. Is this:

°° a) True
°° b) False

7. You can add an attachment to a request in SoapUI.

°° a) Yes
°° b) No

8. Which of the following is used for validating if the message is posted on

the queue:
°° a) JMS status
°° b) JMS timeout
°° c) XPath
°° d) XQuery

9. Which of the following is not a feature of SoapUI open source:

°° a) DataSource
°° b) Property transfer
°° c) Assertion
°° d) Groovy script

10. Can SoapUI be integrated with LoadUI.

°° a) Yes
°° b) No

11. Can SoapUI load test for JMS be run in LoadUI.

°° a) Yes
°° b) No

12. SoapUI can be integrated with which of the following:

°° a) QTP
°° b) AS 400
°° c) Jenkins
°° d) LISA
Chapter 11

13. SoapUI can be used for security testing.

°° a) Yes
°° b) No

14. SoapUI supports SOAP 1.1 only.

°° a) True
°° b) False

15. SoapUI doesn't have a reporting template.

°° a) True
°° b) False

1. d
2. d
3. d
4. a
5. a
6. a
7. a
8. a
9. a
10. a
11. b
12. c
13. a
14. b
15. b


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