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My thesis is that while ​themill ​argues that “Anthem 72” depicts the humanitarian mission

of the U.S. Marines, I argue that “Anthem 72” does not depict a humanitarian mission, despite

what it may argue. “Anthem 72” uses the three appeals from ​rhetoric:​ firstly, ​ethos,​ secondly

pathos,​ and lastly ​logos.​ The claim of “Anthem 72” can also be examined through the lens of

new historicism,​ and its theory of ​decentralism​, to find that the message of “anthem 72” support

the idea that the U.S. Marines are honorable, which is a false statement. It is important to be

critically examine our own government's rhetoric and message, because propaganda has been

used throughout history by governments to control their populations.

The subject of this analysis is the commercial “Anthem 72,” which is a U.S. Marines

recruitment video. “Anthem 72” promotes the U.S. Marines by showing multiple operations that

the U.S. Marines have participated in, spanning from the battle of tripoli to aiding those in a

hurricane. “Anthem 72” also narrates how each U.S. Marine is honorable as individuals. To

support that ​ethos​ is the first ​rhetoric ​appeal, the battles are cited, and the way that they are

articulated, in the commercial “anthem 72.” The second appeal, pathos,is supported by the scene

in “anthem 72” that shows a man in a turban being punched by a U.S. Marine, which is an

emotionally charged, racist image. The last appeal, logos, is support by the entire tacit argument

in “anthem 72,” which is that one should join the U.S. Marines to become honorable. A picture

of a girl giving a U.S. soldier a flower is used to encapsulate the hegemonic worldview that ​new

historicism decenters​. I play an interview of Noam Chomsky criticizing the U.S. by giving the

perspective of other people on the U.S. military, ​decentering​ the hegemonic narrative. A painting

of Napoleon is used as a historical example of propaganda.

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