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Note Card Q&A

In this activity students are each given a note card with a question from the current unit. The
students are to ask the class their question and call on their classmates for the correct answer.
Being able to speak and be listened to by the entire class allows students an opportunity to
practice speaking in front of their peers.

How to Use
1. Students are each given a note card with a question and a number.
2. Starting with card number one the student asks their question out loud to the entire
3. Students raise their hands to answer the question that the student has asked. The
student calls on students who hve raised their hand. Once the student hears the correct
answer on the card the student asks the class who has card number 2.
4. The student with card number 2 asks their question, this continues until all the students
have asked their question.
*This activity should require very little teacher interaction the teacher only facilitates the
structure of the activity and interjects only when misconceptions occur. Teacher should be
making note on student level of understanding based on responses. Teacher may also want to
provide Popsicle stick to the student who is asking their question so that the same students
aren’t answering all the questions.

When to Use
 Before introducing a new concept in order to assess students prior knowledge
 To review key concepts
 As a formative assessment mid unit.
 As a beginning of the year review of classroom procedures.
 As a beginning of the year getting to know you activity

Small group Notecard Q&A: In order to ask deeper blooms level questions (analysis, evaluation,
and synthesis) to elicit deeper students conversations have students work in groups of 4.
Provide sets of cards for each group and divide them evenly among the 4 students.
Student made Notecard Q&A: this variation is great for students to review as well as a
differentiation for GT students. In student made notecard Q&A students create their own
questions about the concept or unit for their classmates. For struggling learners provide
sentence stems. Teacher should review the student made notecards before allowing students
to begin Q&A.

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