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Julia Kropinova

Teaching Philosophy
Studying art involves both student and instructor in interactive conversations about an
inspirational subject created by daily experiences. My role as an educator is to enable students to
exercise their imagination, while evaluating and critiquing artworks that are prominent. I want
my students to understand, intellectually and emotionally, that their present lives are the result of
art movements and historical events that influenced the way we look at things today. As an art
teacher, I will constantly look for ways to improve my subject knowledge and pedagogical skills
by developing various approaches that emphasizes the active role of the students. I plan to set an
example by continuing to be a student of art, of teaching, and of learning. I will encourage and
influence my students who will possibly become future art teachers themselves. I want students
to be empowered to take responsibility for their own learning by preparing personal art works to
promote class critique. I focus on Instructional Approach, where establishing well-planned and
well-implemented instructions prevent classroom problems, which leaves time to experiment
with materials, and gain artistic knowledge. Expectations will be explicit and provided to
students by Syllabus, which will be a form of contract between the teacher and the student. All
students will be prepared and present short artist statements specific to their work. I want to
instill enthusiasm for art, for teaching, and for learning by providing inspiration for the new
artistic experience. Critical theory will be encouraged in my classroom in hopes of challenging
prior knowledge students have. My goal is to show that the study of art and art history is a
creative process that results in interaction providing inspiration for student’s future. While
challenging the academic norm as a part of this process, it will also be my task to ensure that this
creative dialogue is conducted in an atmosphere of mutual respect and tolerance for diverse
opinions, an atmosphere that is inclusive and contributes towards critical thinking among peers.
Various tasks, art projects and extra credit assignments will take up the whole class period due to
over-planning that often helps prevent off-task behaviors and discourse.

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