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Project Context

Technology has been rapidly changing and expanding in every field

imaginable. Since the first computer was invented, our quality of life and
happiness have increased. In fact the appearance of internet helps us find
information much easier. The continuous innovations led the people do their tasks
effortlessly, but at the same time, efficiently. Technology is always changing as
more inventions are brought forward to improve our day to day lives.

In business world there is no substitute for right information at right time. It

is evident that in last couple of decades attempts has been made to develop
systems which make information more precise, readily available and easily
accessible throughout the organization. The development and use of information
systems is a modern trend which is primarily concerned with the collection,
process and dissemination of useful information that directs an organization for
better planning, better decision making and ultimately the better results.

A transaction process system (TPS) is an information processing system for

business transactions involving the collection, modification and retrieval of all
transaction data. Characteristics of a TPS include performance, reliability and
consistency. TPS is also known as transaction processing or real-time processing.

An information system is defined as the software that helps organize and

analyze data. So, the purpose of an information system is to turn raw data into
useful information that can be used for decision making in an organization.

Jesus Reigns Christian Academy (JRCA), Founded in 1994, the school is
affiliated with the Jesus Reigns Christian College (JRCC) (located in Manila). The
school is certified by the Fund for Assistance to Private Education (FAPE) and
accepts Education Service Contracting (ESC) grantees. Students who intend to
pursue their senior high education in the school can choose between Academic and
Arts and Design tracks. Also offered in the school is the Interest Group, a series of
programs where students learn various musical instruments and sports. Committed
to providing quality Christian education, Jesus Reigns Christian Academy
continues to form its students into competent and responsible members of the

Historically, Jesus Reign Christian Academy manages their file and

transaction by inserting data manually. It slows down the operation that the
academy has. Their traditional way of processing records lessens the possibility of
data backup and data security. Thus, searching for a specific file can consume a lot
of time for the employees and data redundancy may occur.

Having known the current struggles of the Cashier and Accounting Office,
the developers decided to develop a system which allows the accountant to easily
access financial record of every student. By this manner, the office doesn’t need to
gather data, process it and recover their data manually. The system will be the one
to do all the computing procedures and generating reports of those. The only task
that the Cashier and accounting office needs to do is logging-in to the system and
insert and generate the desired data..

The main function of the system is to help the Accountant and Cashier in
monitoring and processing the students financial records. The use of Bunifu
Framework andVB 2010 on the development process is being considered. On the
side of database administration, the developers see the use of SQL.

Purpose and Description

At present time, the Accounting process is done manually. The Account

and Cashier personnel of Jesus Reign Christian Academy provides a financial
breakdown sheet for every Student . A Transaction Processing System will help
improve the current process ofreal-timel transaction. It will allow the Accountant
and Cashier office staff to conduct the transaction process with lesser time, and
effort without compromising the accuracy and reliability of the results. The
developed system will also assess and promote transparency in the financial
aspects between the academy and the student’s Parents, it Improves the academy’s
efficiency where money is concerned, Provide auditing services for the Parents,
Suggest way to reduce students liabilities that wont burden the parents(mode of
payment), And provide individual report for students liabilities for the parents to

Also, the developed system gives more accurate, fast and reliable process in
monitoring the financial record of each student, convenience and hassle-free of
handling the records. This is because it requires less time and effort compared to
the traditional process of Cashier and Accounting done for every transaction at the
end of every quarter.

The developed system will be of great benefit mainly to the Registrar And
Accounting Office of the school. The system will help the said office keep their
record more secure, save more money, time and effort.

Also, the Parents of the students of Jesus Reign Christian Academy will
benefit to the said system. The process of checking their children financial record
will take lesser time and it will be much reliable.

The accountant will also benefit when the system is already implemented.
They can check the students financial report with ease. They can monitor and
inform the parents regarding their children liabilities.

The future researchers can also benefit in this system. They can gather ideas
that will help improve the projects that they’re currently doing. They can also
learn computer programming strategies that will be used in the development of the

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the project is to develop a system that will be used
by the accountant for the Student’s Financial Record. Specifically, it aims to do
the following:

1. Access and utilize the Academy’s Financial Transaction Record;

2. To provide a module where the following can be performed:

2.1. Accountant can record a students’ financial transaction

2.2. Users can access the data gathered from the students’
accounting information and generate reports from it.

3. To provide analytic features where the following can be monitored:

3.1. Payment And Liabilities based on the students’ transaction

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focuses on developing a system that allows the accountant to

prepare and examine Student’s financial records through a computer. The
accountant will be provided with an account to access the records. Only the
Authorized persons will be able to access the system.

The developed system is only for Jesus Reigns Christian Academy’s

accounting and registrar’s office since, the proposed system is developed only for
their use.Only two admins are limited to have access in the developed system.
Students’ Financial Transaction is the only major process the system can be
performed. Other authorized personnel cannot manipulate the data.
Moreover, The developed system will help the Accountant to easily
manipulate the students’ financial transaction Record.

Definition of Terms

The developers defined some terms used in this paper conceptually so the
readers can comprehend easily those terms used in this study. Conceptual
definition defines a term based from a dictionary or other references .

A transaction process system (TPS) is an information processing system

for business transactions involving the collection, modification and retrieval of all
transaction data. Characteristics of a TPS include performance, reliability and
consistency. TPS is also known as transaction processing or real-time processing.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP). It is the integrated management of

core business processes, often in real-time and mediated by software and
technology. ERP is usually referred to as a category of business-management

software typically a suite of integrated applications that an organization can use to
collect, store, manage, and interpret data from these many business activities. [2]

Project Contemporary business and science. It is treated as a project (or

program) any undertaking, carried out individually or collaboratively and possibly
involving research or design, that is carefully planned (usually by a project
team[citation needed) to achieve a particular aim. [3]In this project, the system
developed and its content represents the Project Contemporary business and

User interface design(UI). It is the design of user interfaces for machines

and software, such as computers, home appliances, mobile devices, and other
electronic devices, with the focus on maximizing usability and the user
experience. The goal of user interface design is to make the user's interaction as
simple and efficient as possible, in terms of accomplishing user goals (user-
centered design).[4] In this project, it is the view that displays and enables the user
to access the system developed.



The different systems that have been researched shared same concept and
ideas to the developed system are presented in this chapter. The function of the
system and how it helped to a certain institution are also discussed, along with the
elaboration with its similarities to the developed system.

Technical Background

The developers learned essential information regarding the current

transaction processes done by the Accounting Office of the Jesus Reign Christian
Academy. Upon the interview, the Accounting Office stated that the whole
process of their transaction is done by using Microsoft excel. Every quarter, the
accounting office become quite busy. The transaction process are time consuming
and sometimes end up with inaccurate reports. Thus, the developers created a
computerized accounting information system that has processes that will meet the
clients demand.

This system was created using Visual Basic, is well known and third-
generation event-driven programming language and integrated development
environment from Microsoft.It is engineered for productively building type-safe
and object-oriented applications. Visual Basic enables developers to target
Windows, Web, and mobile devices. VB is characterized by its simple format,
which is easy to understand. Beginning programmers often consider VB the
starting point in software development.
The developers used a reference framework called Bunifuframework©.
This helps the developer design a user-friendly system interface where functions

are easily understood by the client. It is the easiest and fastest way to design a
With regards to storing data, Microsoft Access was used by the developers.
It is a data storage used by many users. It is a database management
system (DBMS) from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet
Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development
tools.Microsoft Access stores data in its own format based on the Access Jet
Database Engine. It can also import or link directly to data stored in other
applications and databases.

Related Systems

Bello et al. [1] focused on Computerized Monitoring and Inventory of

Stock with Warning Level dated March 2005, many firms have thousands of items
of inventory which require some form of control. The usage calculations and
record keeping chores would soon become overwhelming were it not for the
computer and its unique information storage and retrieval capabilities.

The developed Accounting information system has a unique storage and

retrieval capabilities. The searching capabilities was sorted out by The Students’
ID, Students’ Last Name, and the school year. The Transactions is also recorded in
a way where the students’ parents can track the date of payment.

Beltran et al. [2] developed a Sales Monitoring System issued 1995, the
accelerated work structure of the company proper monitoring is essential in order
to keep track of the company’s sales activities. Her system aims to come up with
an efficient, and accurate mechanized system of preparing invoices that will keep
track of the daily transaction and generate reports. Important information will be
provided by this study in order to prove that the computerization of the company’s

operation and achieve a more reliable and efficient means of monitoring day to
day activities.

The developed Accounting information system can keep track the schools
progress The Administrator can view the list of the students’ with Liability, the
students’ profile, the Table logs, where the admin can monitor those log-in time
and log-out time, and the students’ financial transaction. Those lists will give the
academy achieve a more reliable and efficient means to monitor activities.

Henderson have developed a three major advantages by using of inventory

system [3] these are (Time savings, Accuracy, and Consistency) which helps a lot
for a business man to increase the sales of their business.

The said system is related to the developed Accounting information System

because of he said advantages. Though it won’t help increase any sale, the system
can help monitor the liabilities and can provide a report where the progress can be
Gillespie et al. [4] developed monitoring and recording system. The created
system intends to resolve and replace the current system process being used
monitor and record the medication event. “Medication Event Monitoring System”
is a medication bottle cap with a microprocessor that records the occurrence and
time of each bottle opening. A device used to monitor medication adherence. A
medication event monitoring system (MEMS) monitor consists of a conventional
medicine container fitter with a special closure that records the time and date each
time the container is opened and closed.

The developed system is somehow related because they both record the
time and date though the medication event monitoring system records each time

the container is being opened and closed, the developed system records the time
the system is being opened and closed.

An automated enrollment system developed by Liwag et. al. [5] for the
Christian College of Tanauan High School Department helped lessen the
possibility of data corruption, time-consuming procedures, and the resources used
during the enrollment. An automated system provides various ways of
accomplishing task with lesser human interactions. Automated tasks are more
efficient, consumes lesser time and resources compared to those tasks being done
manually. The goal of the discussed system is similar to the goal of making the
faculty evaluation automated. With the automated faculty evaluation, the
administrators can also prevent the corruption of data because those are handled
electronically and less human interactions are carried out. Also, automated
evaluation system can also lessen the time for conducting the evaluation process,
and the resources being used upon it.

The Automated Enrollment system and the developed Accounting

information system both help lessen the time of the process. It is both process
efficient and both lessen the resources consumption. It also lessen the possibility
of data corruption for the data is more secured.



This chapter presents the design and methodology that the developers used
in the developed system. Different diagrams are shown to discuss the concepts of
the developed system. This also includes the procedures on how the study was

Data Gathering

In this project, the developers finalized all the necessary requirements for
the system development. The developers were able to gather the current manual
process of the documents involved such as a computation process, a sample report
of ratings, which are given by the accounting office. The developers developed a
Transaction processing system for the Jesus Reign Christian Academy that
improves the schools tuition fee transactions and eliminates legacy data
management through the database that the system has.
The developers obtained the data needed by consulting the client about the
business processes and the problems encountered before the system was proposed.
They also organized an interview with the client to ask personally about conflicts
of using traditional way of data management, organizational structures and so
other topics were discussed along.
After obtaining the sufficient information, the developers started
developing the system using the data they gather along. The developers started
developing the system. Meanwhile, the developers lead to a series of testing to
check the functionality, reliability, usability and effectiveness of the system
followed by the implementation of the software to the client.

Project Concept

The study was conceptualized after the developers realized the struggles of
the manual process done by Cashier and Accounting Office. The manual
computation done by the accountant becomes more difficult as the number of the
student grows . This is made by manually gathering data of each student and
computing each liabilities and payment. After the students paid their tuition, it is
then computed again and updated for the new liabilities. Reports are generated
then after the the computation process. This traditional way of the accounting
office takes time to complete and manually check each transaction for the every

Though the current way of accounting office includes 100% of the students
it takes time and effort to finish the process. Also, because the computation is done
manually, the consistency of the generated reports check by the higher ups may be
at risk and reports may not show accurate results. The cashier and accounting
Office spends most of its time checking and computing liabilities.

By knowing these, the developers decided to develop an Accounting

Information system. In this system, the accountant can do her duties with ease.
The accountant is going to use herauthorized accounts to log-in into the system.
This functionality eliminates the process of manually computing each liabilities
and payment . The Cashier and Accounting Office spends amount of money in
their journal and ledger, which can also be saved once the system becomes
implemented.Once all payments have gathered, the system will
automaticallygenerate reports of these. Traditionally, the process of tallying and
report generation takes months to accomplish. Using the system, these processes
can be done once all the students paid their payments..

On the other hand, the system has the ability to provide a percentage of the
students who are not yet paid. This list will be integrated to the system where the
accountant can check. When it happens, once the accountant generate reports, he
can notify the student ahead of time. By this, all parents will be aware of their
children’s liabilities, which may result into a quicker response by the parents.

After the system has been developed, the developers conducted different
testing techniques such as system testing, unit testing, and integration testing.
Through these methods of testing, the possible errors that the system may contain
will be addressed before its implementation. Also, through testing, different
improvements can be integrated into the system to improve its efficiency and

Development Method

The developers used the Agile development approach. It is a type of

software development that fundamentally incorporate iteration across activities
and the continuous feedback to provide the successively refine and deliver a
software system that gives the functionality it endorses. This method helps the
developer to visualize processes or the steps to take in making the system.
Agile method involves continuous planning, testing , and iterations for the
system to fulfill its functions effectively ,and so brainstorming among developers
help them give appropriate and more complex approach in developing the system.

Figure 1 shows the flow of process in agile method. The first phase is
requirements. In Requirements phase the developers gathered all data needed in
developing the system and analyze the data given. This includes interviews with
the client and observing the clients environment, this involves Culture and
business processes to have a clear understanding on developing the project. The

next phase is architecture and design. In designing the system. The developers
specify all the system requirements such a system and software design to construct
overall design of the system. The third phase is development, in development
phase all the gathered data and the design of the system will be implemented.
While developing the system the client interact with the developers, this will
gather feedback from the client to have better understanding about the system.
Whether it is negative or positive. The developers then will base on the feedback
to iterate or change the system for the client. The last phase is Testing and
Feedback, In this phase testing the system with the client can help the developers
to implement the changes that the client needed to the system.

Figure 1. Agile development method

Development Approach

Figure 2. Top-Down Approach

The developers used the Top-down Approach in the system developed.

This approach looks the system to be developed as a whole, and as the
development process runs, each component of the overall system is being
conceptualized and developed.

In Figure 2, the Top–down approach emphasizes planning and a complete

understanding of the system. It inherits that no coding can be begin until a
sufficient level of detail has been reached in the design of at least some part of the

In gathering phase, the proponents conducted a research for other

information to help improve the system. In analysis phase, the developers gave the
main flow and conduct studies on how the system will work. In design phase, this
includes the prototype of the system. This shows how the system looks like and
also includes the functionality and other features. In developing the process of the
application, the developers used approach to deal with the need of the users. In
implementation phase, the production system will be installed, initial user training

will be completed, user documentation will be delivered, and the post
implementation review meeting will be held. They used the top-down approach
which started with the system and breaks down into smaller segments to progress
its composition sub-systems.

User Design Interface


Figure 3.Conceptual Design for Add Student Form

1. Add student button
2. Clear button
3. Personal Information textboxes
Figure 3 shows the add student profile form for the system. It contains
fields such as Personal Information textboxes, Add Student and Clear button .
Textboxes are used in entering such personal information. Add Student button will
enable the system to add a new information of a student in the database if the
entered data in the personal information text boxes is an existing data and if its

true then it will lead the admin to a different form where only admins can access.
Clear Button is used to clear all the field that contains any data.

1. Update Grade button

2. Update Tuition button
3. Add employee button
4. Add faculty button
5. See all table button
6. Search button
7. Update grade button
8. Close button
Figure 4. Conceptual Design for Admin tools form
Admin tools form was shown in Figure 4. It is where the interface contains
update grade button that it enables the user admin to update the grade of a student
in the database, Update tuition which enables the admin to update the tuition fee to
its latest value, Add employee button which allows admin to add a new employee
to the system and add its data in the database, Add faculty button that allows
admin to store new faculty member data in the database Search button allows the
admin to search the specific id number of a student, Update grade button allows

the admin to update the grade of a student, See all table button gives the admin a
full view of all tables that contains all data, anytime, Close button closes the form.

1. Clears button
2. Adds button
3. Back button
4. Personal information textboxes
Figure 5. Conceptualized Design for Employee Form
Figure5 shows the employee form that contains the clear button that clears
all textbox that contains data , Add button that adds a new employee data and
stores it into the database, back button allows the admin to return to the previous
page, Personal information textboxes allows the admin to input data into the fields.

1. Student list button
2. Liabilities table button
3. Search button
Figure 6. Conceptualized Design for Student list and Liability table form

It was shown in Figure 6 the Student list and liability form that includes
student list that gives the admin a view of the students recently enrolled and its
personal data, Liability table gives the admin a view of the students with liabilities
remaining, Search button allows the user to search the desired table with the year


1. Student information button

2. Search button
3. Pay button
4. Transaction table
Figure 7. Conceptualized Design for Transaction form

In figure 7, Transaction form shows the transaction process that includes

Student information button that gives a view of the information of a student
provided by the database, Search button enables the user to search neither the
specific last name or student id. Pay button Allows the user to enter the amount
received into the database. Transaction table gives the admin a full view of the
recent transaction and on going transactions.


1. Update Button
2. Back Button
3. Personal Information Text boxes
Figure 8. Conceptual Design of Update Student Profile Form

Figure 8 includes update student form that have Update button which
allows user to update a students data in the database, Back button that let the
admin to go back to the previous page, Personal information textboxes allows
admin to input existing data and update a specific data in the database.

System Analysis and Design

System analysis and Design is essential on setting the boundaries and

identifying the tasks that the system should process. The concepts are represented
by different diagrams that help present the diagram comprehensively.

Figure 9. Context Flow Diagram of the Developed System

Figure 9 shows the Context Flow Diagram of the developed system. The
diagram shows that the Accountant is the only authorized person to manage the
transaction. It started by requesting a transaction detail of the customer then the
system will provide the payment details to the accountant. The accountant in
return will input the incoming transaction to the system that will generate financial
transaction reports.

Figure 10. Data Flow Diagram of the Developed System used by the Admin

Figure 10 shows the student needs to apply for registrations in the registrar
where in the registrar accepts the student details submitted by the student then the
registrar access the system through logging in where its account goes to the
database, the registrar encodes the student info received from the student and
encodes it into the database. The registrar gathers the breakdown of information
then prints it into a form. Student receives the form needed.

Figure 11. Data Flow Diagram of the Developed System used by the

In connection with figure 11, the accountant has the same task with the
registrar. The only difference is that the accountant cannot change or update the
grade level and the tuition details due to confidentiality of information but he has
the right to display record and update the student information. Inserting the
transaction details to the table they belong can also be done by the accountant. A
liability will appear to the student’s record if the system has processed the liability

Figure 12. Use Case Diagram

Figure 12 shows the processes of the accounting information system.

Students information gathered by the system will be restore in the systems
The administrator or the user can access and retrieve the information the
system has restored. In processing the transactions the administrator will input
necessary details gathered from the student. Transactions detail such as date,
amount of transaction and payment will input by the employee or the
administrator. These data will help the administrator and employee in tracking the
students Data. (e.g Liabilities, Proposed Installment Scheme)

Hardware Requirements

Table 1 presents the minimum hardware requirements needed for the

system to work properly. The table shows the specification required by the
researchers. The developers believe that the hardware requirements below can
generate the computer system.

Table 1

Hardware Requirements of the Developed System

Hardware Requirements

Equipment Specification

Processor 1.6 Ghz Dual Core

Random Access Memory (RAM) 1Gb(32 Bit)

Hard Disk Drive 500Gb

Software Requirements

In table 2 the developers used the following software requirements. By

using this software tools, the developers can attain a much better user interface and
can assure the security and privacy of the systems data and information.

Table 2

Software Requirement of the Developed System

Software Requirements Specification

Operating System Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10

Programming Language Visual Basic

Database MS SQL


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