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SCHWARZENEGGER APRIL 7, 1985 Property of Ag2 "HUNTER" Written by Jim Thomas and John Thomas - With Revision $1 (Pink) April 17,. ce With Revision #2 (Blue) April 28, 1986 - With Revision 33 (Yellow) May 6, With Revision #4 (Green) May 20, 1986 With Revision #5 (Goldenrod) January 27, 1987 April 7, 1986 With Revision #6 (Goldenrod) January 30, 1987 A92 "HUNTER" FADE IN EXT. OUTER SPACE 1 The infinite blackness punctuated by a billion stars. As we slowly DESCEND through the varied shades of blue of the Earth's atmosphere, we HEAR the first strains of a haunting, Central American FLUTE, joined by a swelling background of JUNGLE SOUNDS. We descend further, through a lush JUNGLE CANOPY, backlit by a setting sun. DISSOLVE ™ EXT. JUNGLE COASTLINE - DAY (MAGIC HOUR) 2 Through a collage of shimmering HEAT-WAVES, a dark, OTHER-WORLDLY OBJECT drops INTO VIEW, backlit by the fiery, ORANGE-RED sphere of a setting tropical SUN, heading slowly towards us, floating, as if suspended by the rising heat of the jungle. Continuing to approach, the shimmering object resolves into a MILITARY ASSAULT HELICOPTER, its rotors strobing in the fading sunlight. Drawing closer, the SOUND of powerful TURBINES, throbbing in the heavy air, becomes dominant, overpowering. Guided by COLORED SMOKE and LANDING LIGHTS, the chopper looms hard INTO VIEW, pitching forward and settling to the ground, kicking up a maelstrom of dust and vegetation. INT. COMMAND POST - DAY (MAGIC HOUR) 2-a Where a MAN wearing a military UNIFORM watches through the large open windows the helicopter as it continues to approach. Before thé skids have even touched down he SEES the first of the MEN, dressed in CIVILIAN CLOTHES but carrying full COMBAT GEAR, alight gracefully from the chopper, double-timing in close order to one side, the orders SHOUTED by one man lost in the ROAR of the chopper. The man turns away from the window, to a FIGURE, hidden in the shadows. MAN He's here. He turns back, lowering a BAMBOO SHADE, obscuring the window.

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