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Santiago 1

Kaisey Santiago

Professor Granillo

English 103

5 December 2018

Self Reflection

My strengths for the project is that making notes and typing them down made things a lot

easier. Challenges that I met, was at first I tried making a reaction video. However I found it

difficult to make because, I’m really awkward in front of the camera and I’m not tech savvy.

Therefore I decided to go with a prezi, which was also challenging at first since I never used it

before. I personally found the linguistic argument a lot easier than the multimodal project. This is

due to the fact, that with linguistic argument it gets straight to the point. For example, all you

need to do is write. However with the multimodal project, a lot more work is involved. Also

creativity plays a huge role in this project and I am personally not a creative individual.

From this project, I learned that preparation, organization skills, and time management

are important factors to have, which implies for school, work and personal life. These three

factors can help an individual become a lot more successful. However, there are time in which I

manage to find myself not following these principles. Therefore, I'm going to try to do my best

so that I can stay on the right track. When it comes to essays outlining and annotating is very

important for essays and in many class assignments in general. By outlining and annotating, this

allows for the writer to become more organized, before starting on their essays or assignments

which will make the writing process easier. Throughout the semester I had tough time adapting

to English 103, however by the end of the semester I do believe that my writing and analyzing

skills dramatically improved.

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