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To whom this may concern,

I am writing with regards to the EURES' program "your frst EURES job".

I am a qualifed pre-school teacher from Spain selected by HELMECA personal

GmbH to get a permanent job position as a pre-school teacher in Germany.

A B2-Deutsche qualifcation level is one of the main requirements for this

position, due to the importante of communication skills linked to my future role.

This job offer is an amazing opportunity to develop my personal and

professional skills from now on, as a new part of my life within a new culture, a
new country and work, using a diferent language.

I am totally decided to do my best and perform my role as a pre-school teacher

in Germany with enthusiasm and professionalism.

Achieving my goals and targets will be possible thanks to your help.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,

Mr F. Cascos

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