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Garcia 1

Hilda Garcia

Mrs. Litle

English 121-002

11 November 2018

Journal 8

Growing up, my family practiced the catholic faith. Every Sunday I attended catechism class

before church. Although I questioned many of the church’s beliefs, I continued to show my faith

to god. I have been in a lot of situations to where I wanted to give up but didn’t. I am thankful

that I am family orientated and religious. Without those two major aspects in my life, I don’t

think I’d be where I am today. An inspirational bible verse for me is Proverbs 3:6. Which is “In

all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” What this quote means to me is

trust god with all your heart and not to lean on your own understanding, no matter what your

going through keep your faith in god because he will always have a plan for you. This verse has

always been a reminder for me not to give up. Even if the idea of giving up crossed my mind, I

turn to prayer or my family. This bible verse isn’t just an important reminder but it also essential

because my grandma gave it to me before coming back to school. I cherish and listen to

everything she gives or tells me. Through all the rough times I think of her especially because of

her past. As I got older basketball became a very big part of my life. Transitioning from high

school basketball to college basketball was very difficult. There were many times when I thought

about quitting, but I thought about the bible verse because I’m at Otero playing basketball for a

reason. Although this bible verse helps guide me, I don’t always have rely on it because I have
Garcia 2

goals and motivation to finish school and continue my basketball career at a higher institution. S

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