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Arielle Brooks


Citizenship Rubric 20 15 10 5 0

Participation Participates multiple Usually participates Participates Participates only if Is defiant/resistant

times daily, always and is helpful. sometimes. called upon. when called upon.
eager to help.

Peer Engagement Very friendly to others Usually helpful and Interacts politely most Does not engage with Bullies other children.
and helpful. friendly. of the time, less other children.

Hygeine Washes hands, Usually cleans up Sometimes cleans up Sometimes makes Does not clean up
makes effort to be after themselves in after themselves in messes intentionally. after themselves or
cleanly in class. class. class. wash hands when
asked, gets
intentionally dirty.

Average scores from 20-16 15-11 10-6 5-0

each category for E S N U
final Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory

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