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‘A paint scheme typical of the Knights of Darkness, aNorth Carolina gang which clas (on their vehicles. This intorceptor belongs to descent from a number of focal ritualistic 5 “Cajun Jack” de Boursin, @ Louisiane r ‘secrot societies. The preterance fora single river tured Op working from New Or {arge weapon over # aumber of smal ‘The smilartiesto racing colours are obvious. is typical Paramiltary touches are favoured by many outlaw gangs, especially in remote areas. Camouflage paint schemes. and gung-ho slogans are a common combination. This ‘example comes trom the Spiders from Mars, ‘operating in western Iowa, ‘This veteran bikes typical of many lovingly-m used by gangs and law-abiding cizene ake. Athough the ‘on both sides of Plasmet fairings bk itso fe unarmed, the rider will almost always be both protection as well a5 reduced drag: typical wall-armed and able to handle most kinds of trouble. mament is twin machine-guns. > CONTENTS ~

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