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Hello, my name is Leonel and today I will talk about the cigarette and the effects that it will

cause on the smoker. We all know that he is going to harm his body if he continues with that

Smoking is one of the most additives habits it causes several damages in people’s health
because it is composed of harmful elements. It has mostly cancer producing elements such as
naphthylamine, toluidine, pyrene, urethane, cadmium, benzopyrene, vinyl, polonium 210.

Apart from cancer, smoking causes other complications in the body such as: problems with
taste and smell, heart problems, shin damage, dicoloration of theth, loss of appetite and,
respiratory problems.

However, if you stop smoking. The improvements begin to appear after 20 minutes, beginning
with the blood circulation will be normal. In twelve hours will begin to lower the level of
carbon monoxide is normalized. In twenty-four hours, the lungs will expel the rest of the
tobacco. In forty-eight hours the senses will improve. In three days you will not have problems
breathing comfortably and your resistance will return to normal. Three to nine months later
you will begin to recover the appetite. In one year, the risk of coronary heart disease will be
reduced. In five year, the probability of contracting cancer of the bladder, mouth, throat and
esophagus will be reduced. In ten years, the likelihood of having cancer of the pancreas, larynx
and lung will be decreased. In fifteen years, the risk of heart disease will be the same as that of
a non-smoker.

Now I will show you in this model the causes of the use of a single cigarette. As you can see,
this represents our lungs and how it is after the use of tobacco. My advice is that you should
not smoke or be near a smoker to avoid the harmful effects they will cause in the short and
long term.

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