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if we can increase the efficience of using the raw material and recycling the used

is it then utopia if I say that we dont need to exploit new resource to meet the
increasing demand of human
and we can even return the natural resource we overused in the past and restore the
Earth as it was before the first industrial revolution?
It is quite reasonable actually cause if we can start by reusing/recycling every
material, or even creat the artificial raw material by oueself then the need for
new natural raw material will be reduce.
The market then will balance itself and the price goes down as well as supply.
It's the way to redefine the Value System.
in the old time if the alchemist can turn lead to gold then the value of gold would
be nothing
Now if we can 3D Print Gold just because we want to, what's gonna happen?
Take water in Singapore....
if we continue to think in this way, with such resource like food, oil, ...
"only take what you can return"
Sharing economy, Platform economy,

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