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DECEMBER 11, 2017


Last December 04, 2017, a seminar was held in Casal Seminar Room entitled “Energy in Motion:
Witness how Energy fuels the Industry towards the Country’s Sustainable Future.” The center of the
discussion was mainly about Energy – its importance, uses (in commercial, industrial scale, and as well as
in our day to day activities in performing work), and conserving the energy properly by stating the limitations
of our sources. Topics such as “New Sources of Energy”, and “Sustainable Energy” was expatiated by two
notable Engineers of our generation, Engr. Michael Dennis Fernandez and Engr. Kristian Carlo Victorio.
The seminar was open to Chemical, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering Students. The topics that was
discussed in the seminar was very valuable and interesting thus, necessities in the industry.
“New Sources of Energy” was discussed by former ChE faculty, Engr. Michael Dennis Fernandez.
He have given us an overview of the Alternative Sources and New Sources of Energy that we have here in
the Philippines. These sources are biomass sources, wind energy, solar power, geothermal energy,
hydroelectric energy, wave energy, tidal energy, nuclear energy, and lastly coal. The focus of his lecture is
the Coal Energy – He opened the minds of the students about the power of Coal – fired power plants. He
told the students that in order to raise the economy of the Philippines, we as Engineers, and as well as
Filipinos must maximize the use of our resources – which is coal. Coal is abundantly available in our
country thus, can be our main source of Energy. Addition to his lecture, he briefly discussed the “Circulating
Fluidized Bed Boiler Technology” which was used in the operations in South Luzon Thermal Energy
Corporation in Calaca, Batangas, where He works as the Fuels Manager. He explained that with the used
of this technology, it will be less costly and would be ecologically pleasant because instead of chain of
progressions there would just be the use of limestone in capturing the SO x which is relevant in reducing the
assembly of poisonous gas and parallel to this, reducing the cost. In this sense, we are able to use our
resources in both beneficial and harmless manner we know how. By the end of his lecture, He concluded
that “There is no silver bullet in everything”. It means that there is no permanent solution in everything; it is
we who are to amend in the need of our community and that all the solutions that we are having are all
temporary. That is why we need to maximize the sources that we have.
“Sustainable Energy” was discussed by Engr. Kristian Carlo Victorio. . He talked about the energy
of tomorrow and mainly focused on Capturing the Wind. Wind is a very good source of energy because (1)
there is no shortage of windy sites left to exploit (2) Wind power’s growth is being pushed by subsidy
schemes (3) Wind is close to free and (4) With low and predictable power cost. He also made mention of
creating energy by means of the sea. He has this ideas which in my observation is based on what we have
abundantly and which is free. However, the only thing limiting the transformation of these ideas to
establishments is the insanely expensive cost that the construction will have.

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