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Subjective Pronouns

1. Is she really as innocent as ______ pretends to be?

2. People who work overtime usually do _______ for a good reason.
3. They found that _______was the one who had taken the money.
4. It is up to ______ to decide.
5. _______ all think he is doing the right thing.

Jawab :

1. She
2. It
3. He
4. You
5. We

Objective Pronouns

1. He wanted the group to treat ______ as an equal.

2. Is it for ______ to find out if they want to come.
3. Well, one of ______ will have to go and tell him!
4. In fact, it was ______ that gave him the right information.
5. It is always ______ that gets the blame!

Jawaban :

1. Him
2. Them
3. Us
4. Me
5. Me
Possessive Pronouns:

1. Are those cables the mechanics’? No, they aren’t _______

2. My pen is running out of ink. Can I borrow _____?
3. We have three horses. They are _____
4. He has a helmet. That helmet is _____
5. Is this scarf Diana’s? Yes, it is _____
6. We haven’t tested our strategy yet. Have you tested ________

Jawaban :

1. yours
2. ours
3. his
4. hers
5. yours

Possessive Adjective:

1. Two children didn’t come to______friend’s birthday party.

2. I have a cat. _____ fur color is black and white. It looks like a
3. ______ mother is so tough. She is the hero of my life.
4. Witty comes from Sulawesi island. She and______family live in
Jakarta now.
5. Tina and Tini go to school by bus everyday. _______little brother
goes to school by train because his school is so far away from the

Jawaban :
1. Their
2. Its
3. My
4. Her
5. Our

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