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T HE 6-inch f/8 Newtonian reflecting

telescope is probably the most popular

star gazing instrument in use by amateur
magnified for close viewing of the image.
It is enough to say that the Newtonian
design is simply the most practical and
astronomers. This is easily understood least expensive for nonprofessional instru-
when we examine the instrument in more ments. The word "reflecting," of course,
detail. distinguishes this scope from a refractor in
The "6-inch" refers to the diameter of which the light rays are "bent" through
the objective or main mirror of the tele- and focused behind a lens instead of being
scope and thus affects the diameter of the "bounced" away from and focused in front
main telescope tube. The figure "f/8" is an of a mirror.
optical expression derived from the ratio Since the above description pretty well
between the focal length and the diameter fixes the size of. our reflector we can see
of the telescope mirror. In this case, the one reason for its popularity. It's about
focal length is 48 inches or 8 times the the largest telescope you can comfortably
mirror diameter of 6 inches. carry. Larger reflecting instruments—up
The name "Newtonian" refers to the to 8 inches in diameter—are almost always
over-all design of this type of reflecting semiportable, with usually a permanent
telescope in which rays from the objective mount and perhaps a transportable main
or main mirror are focused onto a smaller tube. Much larger reflectors—those over
mirror known as the "diagonal." The diag- 8 inches in mirror diameter—require the
onal is set further up in the telescope tube construction of a permanent observatory.
at a 45° angle to the main mirror and the Another obvious reason for the popu-
eyepiece. Its function is to reflect the fo- larity of Newtonian reflectors this size or
cused rays from the objective into the e y e - smaller is price. To buy a completely
piece where they are refocused and finished and assembled 6-inch reflector of

economy kit of parts for around $27 and
another kit, illustrated here, for $150. Why
the large difference? Primarily, it is the
this type would cost you about $200. Prices difference between buying a finished p a r a -
of larger instruments soar drastically for bolic mirror and grinding your own.
the finished product. You can, however, Grinding astronomical mirrors is a fasci-
own a high quality instrument for a frac- nating hobby in itself. It does, however, r e -
tion of the price if you build or assemble quire a healthy degree of skill and patience.
your own telescope. The object of this We have chosen, therefore, to illustrate the
chapter is to help you do just that. assembly of scope parts that requires only
the use of simple hand tools and a mini-
REFLECTOR TELESCOPE KITS—You mum of time. If you elect to grind your
will note that there are two lists of parts own mirror, the telescope assembly in-
printed on these pages. There is an structions shown here will still apply.
Another price factor is the inclusion of
a good equatorial mount. You can build
your own simple mount or purchase a less
expensive altazimuth mount. But we
highly recommend an equatorial mount for examine our assemblage of optical equip-
the serious star gazer. As you become ment.
more and more advanced in the science of Basically, we have a big mirror and its
astronomy, you will need an equatorial mount that will occupy the lower end of a
mount and you can save a considerable large aluminum tube and a small mirror
amount of money if you purchase one at and eyepiece holder that will occupy the
the start. upper end. The correct placement of these
With an equatorial mount you can parts in the tube is our only major assem-
use setting circles—accessories that allow bly problem and the key to this problem is
you to "dial" the exact sky object you want the focal length of the main mirror.
to see by checking its location in a star Our large mirror, being concave, will
atlas. A clock drive—essential for any converge light rays from the sky to a point
type of asti'ophotography more compli- in front of it—the focal point. A small,
cated than snapping a picture of the moon concentrated image will form at this point,
—also requires an equatorial mount. which your eyepiece, in turn, will enlarge
Having acquired your telescope parts, to the view you see when you actually ob-
you are ready to go to work. First, let's serve the heavens. The small diagonal

Mousetail hack s a w blade with pistol grip can Alter rough cutting, smooth to perfect circle with
be used to cut hole. Aluminum is e a s y to work. semiiound file. Check with the e y e p i e c e rube.

Circle is notched for rack on e y e p i e c e tube and Finished cutout for e y e p i e c e mount. The hole at
holes are drilled ior bolts holding the mount. middle left is for the diagonal mirror holder.
mirror catches the image at this point and
reflects it into the eyepiece tube. To do
this, the focal point must be placed just
outside the eyepiece tube of the eyepiece
mount when this tube is at its furthest "in"
position. The reason for this location is an inch and a half is generally allowed. A
that eyepieces, having their own focal 48-inch focal length mirror may actually
points of varying lengths, must have room be of 49%-inch f.L, therefore. A small
to focus on the image or focal point formed sticker on the back of the mirror usually
by the big mirror. A short focal length gives the exact figure, which you should
(high power) eyepiece will focus close to check carefully. The main tube should be
this "in" position, but longer focal length slightly longer than this focal length. We
(low power) eyepieces will need more used a 5-foot tube, but this could have been
"out" travel and will focus when the eye- cut to 50 inches.
piece tube is extended to nearly its full
length or furthest "out" position. BEFORE DRILLING into your tube, place
Now we know where we want the focal the main mirror in its mount. Now measure
point of the main mirror but have to figure the distance from any one mounting hole
out how to get it there. Before proceeding, on the mirror-mount to the front edge of
it should be mentioned that manufactured the mirror. Jot this figure down for future
mirrors may vary slightly in focal length reference. You may now put your mirror
from the given figure. A tolerance of about away in a safe place as you will not need it

Although the location oi the finder scope is not Locate and drill holes for finder bracket at point
critical, it miut be parallel to the main tube. out oi the way oi the main scope eyepiece.

Line up mount and tube holes. Mount must be on Main tube is tightly attached to the head oi
side of tube opposite eyepiece for best viewing. equatorial mount using %" dia.. 2" stove bolts.
Finder telescope is simply slipped into mount-
ing bracket and adjusted for the best operation.

Equatorial mount (parts shown below) Is better A sturdy tripod is absolutely essential lor ob-
ior observing than an altazimuth or other type. serving; vibration makes any viewing impossible.

Adjusting knob on legs of tripod makes it pos-

sible to level the head on a variety oi terrain.

The equatorial mount is bolted to tripod. It per- Completed equatorial mount looks like this. The
mits scope to be set parallel to the earth's axis. scope carriage must be parallel to polar axis.

Polar axis must be set for latitude of observer. Set a protractor at your local angle of latitude
Check the mount head to see that it is level first. and clamp it to an ordinary carpenter's level-


Completed equatorial mount on tripod with scope

attached g i v e s sturdy platform for best viewing.

Secure the telescope mirror in its mount before Attach the e y e p i e c e holder to the tube. From in-
bolting it into position at lower end oi tube. side the tube, next insert the diagonal mirror.

again until ready for the final assembly. Read all of the above paragraph over
Next, drill the holes in the big tube that before doing any of the work on your tel-
will hold your m i r r o r - m o u n t T h e exact escope tube. It is the most critical step
distance from the lower end of the tube in the whole assembly of your instrument.
is not critical; one of two inches is suffi- Further assembly is relatively simple
cient. It is essential, however, that the and can be done by closely following the
mirror sits squarely in the tube. Now, from step-by-step photographs. Here a r e a few
any one of these mounting holes, measure pointers:
along the tube the distance you have jotted Remember that when drilling holes to
down. Mark this point with great care. attach the main tube to the equatorial
It shows you the position the front surface mount that these holes should be on just
of your main mirror will occupy within the the opposite side of the main tube from the
tube and it is the point from which you eyepiece rack-and-pinion mount holes.
will measure to locate the position of your This will give you the most comfortable
eyepiece mount. position when observing with your e y e -
Now for some simple, but vital, arith- pieces for most sections of the sky. You
metic. Measure the outside diameter of may center the main tube on the carriage
your main tube (in this case, 7 inches) of your equatorial mount or find a more
and divide by 2. Let's call this figure "A." delicate balance by assembling all optical
Next, place the rack-and-pinion eyepiece parts and locating a fulcrum where the e n -
mount on the exterior of the main tube tire assembly balances.
and measure the distance from the surface
of the main tube to a point about a quarter Remember to level the head of the e q u a -
of an inch above the end of the eyepiece torial mount before setting the polar axis
tube at its fullest "in" position. Let's call to an angle equal to your own latitude.
this measured number figure "B." Add Paint the exterior of your scope any
figure "A" and figure " B . " Then subtract color but the interior color must be the
the sum of these two figures from the focal flattest optical black possible. Exterior is
length of your main mirror. That's the perhaps most often a clear white, which is
end of your arithmetic. Take the final easiest to see on a dark night.
figure and measure along your main tube Collimation of your optical system when
from the point you jotted down and marked completely assembled can be done in a v a -
with such great care as described in the riety of ways. Sketches in this chapter
preceding paragraph. This point is the show a simple, effective method.
exact center of a circular hole you will cut Weights on the declination axis of the
out of the main tube to receive the moving equatorial mount m a y be adjusted to b a l -
tube of your eyepiece rack-and-pinion ance the main tube assembly so that it
mount. swings freely on the polar axis. •
Photo s h o w s one possible Finder scope is inserted in Final step in adjusting the
location for finder where place parallel to main scope telescope finder is to focus
it won't i n t e r f e r e 'with tube as s h o w n here. Finder it on an object at infinity.
operation of regular eye- is centered with the main The finder is indispensable
piece. Finder bracket is scope optics by means of in aiming the main scope
left, the e y e p i e c e at right. the three setscrews shown. for observation purposes.

Final steps include insertion oi eyepiece (aborej

and adiiutment oi counterbalance weights (right)
to offset weight of main tube and optics. Entire
assembly should swing freely on the polar cads.

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