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Full name: Jose Stiven Sicuamia Sanchez

1. Debe buscar sobre estrategias de lectura en inglés, específicamente sobre skimming.

1. Analizar el título del texto

2. Identificar el tema

3. Buscar palabras o frases repetidas constantemente.

4. Revisar la primera oración del párrafo

5. Escribir un resumen de lo entendido y ver si concuerda con el texto





1. You have to pay attention, because are wokers in this area.
2. You have to turn off or push the silence button to your cell phone
3. The area is only for bikes
4. This zone is only for people with disability
5. Only people with permission can enter to this area.
6. Some elements are in discount.
7. You can’t eat or drink in this area.
8. The people in this place ask for the favor of turn off all elements that can consume energy
9. In this area we have children play, and for this reason you have to pay attention.
10. Is a warning message, with the instructions for operating this.

What is the principal idea? The main idea is Claudia and her life.

What is the principal idea? The main idea of this text is the day to day except the Saturday and the Sunday.

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