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2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Management and Scineces”December 28-30, 2016 (ICETEMS-2016)

Peshawar, Pakistan

Facial Expression Recognition Using Discrete Cosine Transform and SVM

Abdul Saboor Khan

Abasyn University Islamabad Campus, Islamabad, Punjab,Pakistan

Dr.Imran Shafi
Abasyn University Islamabad Campus, Islamabad,Punjab,Pakistan

Malik Waqas
Abasyn University Islamabad Campus,Islamabad,Punjab,Pakistan

Abstract----Over the years, human facial expression recognition has always been a
challenging problem in computer vision systems. In this paper, we have worked towards
recognizing facial expressions from the images given in JAFFE database. From literature, a
set of features have been identified to be potentially useful for recognizing facial expressions.
The basic idea is to use the discrete cosine transform (DCT) as a means of feature extraction
for later face classification. The DCT is computed for a cropped version of an input image
containing a face, and only a small subset of the coefficients is maintained as a feature vector.
Some pre-processing steps have been applied before extracting these features. Support
Vector Machine (SVM) with radial basis kernel function is used for classifying facial
expressions. We evaluate our results on the JAFFE database under the same experimental
setup followed in literature. Experimental results show that our proposed methodology gives
better results in comparison with existing literature work so far.

Keywords----- Facial expression recognition; DCT; JAFFE; Gabor wavelets; Support Vector

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