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El Mate Argentino

This custom is considered a Ritual for most of the ​Argentine people so that means
that is very common.
It is a simple concept, you just have to invite some friends or maybe your family to
your house and then you prepare some tea using the ​Mate herb​, after that you are
supposed to start talking with your guests, you can talk about the routine,
experiences, or whatever you want, it’s the best moment to communicate what you
think or feel with the ones that are always next to you.
This custom is very important for all the argentines and they tend to do it frequently,
they like to “matear” whenever it is possible.
Even when this tradition is considered one of the most popular of its country, it’s
sadly dying thanks to all the media that is taking out a lot of people (specially the
youngest ones) of the initiative to do the custom.
This tradition needs to be rescued because it really helps to understand the
situations people you appreciate are living, something these days we need to
improve in most of the countries around the world (including México).

About our poster:

● we thought that it was a good idea to put a big photo (relationated with the
topic), at the front of the poster. That picture should be something like the
Argentine’s flag with a Jar of tea next to it.
● Another thing we thought is to add some main ideas around the main picture
of the poster, describing in general what the custom is, its importance etc.
● The colors are very important too, so we selected a combination of the most
popular/used colors in Argentine.
● This is a good topic because as we already said, we need traditions like this
one in México.
● To complete all the work successfully we had to look for a lot of information
about the topic and some related topics because it was something completely
new for us.
“Che ¿te cebás un mate?

¿No te dijeron nunca en casa que los mates no se piden?

No seas vago, che.

Dale, pongo la pava a calentar.”

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