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Selamu lambamo

Dr. Ann Showalter

Metacognitive summary

The results show I were the strongest on four categories strategies such as debugging strategy,

information management strategies, planning and conditional knowledge. I was the weakest on

the following strategy: declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, and comprehension

monitoring. I need to improve the weakest strategy for final exam. I attended last time

workshops about study strategy, so those studying strategy may be important for me for final

exam. I will use note taking. In the survey, there different kind of techniques to study for exam,

so I will use reread note and note taking techniques because those techniques very effective for

memorize topic and It also important for improve grade. I will study Monday to Wednesday on

my home and I don’t study from Friday to Sunday because I have work on those days. I will

study 5am to 12pm each day. I like study morning because those times nobody at home .I will

study alone because I don’t have friend to study group. I choice study group than alone because

if I study group, I will get information or share knowledge. I don’t have any chose, so I will

study alone. When I was Georgia State university, we studied in group. I was very effective in all

things. If I get someone to study group, I will study in group.

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